Feeding The Heart

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Man. I've been in this meeting with Birdman and the whole crew all afternoon and the only thing on my mind is Liyah. I called her before the meeting and she told me she was doing an interview with Sister 2 Sister. We're meeting up for lunch when I get out of this meeting.

Birdman: Well, I see everybody getting restless so I'm going to end this shit right now (laughs)

W: Especially my boy Drake over here. His mind off in the clouds (hits him)

D: (laughs) Man, get off me

Tyga: If I was that nigga, I'll be ready to leave too. He got everybody dream girl waiting on him

Slim: Oh yeah, I've been seeing the stories about him and Aaliyah

Bird: you dating Aaliyah playboy?

D: Yeah man, we giving things a try

W: Aight man. Don't tell everybody before Liyah go off on your ass (laughs)

Tyga: Yeah man, I haven't heard too much about her relationships before

D: (sighs) That's the difficult part about it man.

Bird: (laughs) Awww! My nigga wanna be claimed

Everybody laughed but it's the truth. I want people to know that I am her man and she's my woman. But I'll respect her wishes. I just hope we don't have to do this forever. When I made it outside I called her.

A: Hey baby

D: Hey baby. Where are you?

A: Waiting on you outside

D: Where?

A: (laughs) Look to you left

I looked over and saw Liyah sitting in a fly ass Mercedes truck. I whistled while walking up to it. When I got close, I used my hand to wipe it down. I heard Liyah laughing when I walked up to her side of the car.

D: Damn girl! (kisses her through the window)

A: (smirks) You see me?

D: Hell yeah I see you (hops in) Where we going?

A: I actually have the taste for some barbecue

D: I'm down with it

We pulled up to this barbecue spot on the other side of town. Liyah's bodyguard Julian got out the backseat and went to check things out before we went in. While he was gone, I turned to her and we started kissing. I leaned my seat back and pulled Liyah on my lap.

D: How did your interview go?

A: It went okay. It was actually a relief

D: (raises eyebrows) Oh yeah? What was it about?

A: (smiles at him) Wouldn't you like to know?

D: (laughs) Yes, I would really like to know.

Julian: (knocks on window) It's all good baby girl.

A: okay Ju, we're coming. (kisses Drake) You'll have to wait until it comes on (gets out/grabs his hand) come on, I'm hungry.

I'm curious to know what this interview was about. It's probably about the feature on Missy's album or something. I pushed it all to the back of my mind when we got to the counter and I started looking at the menu. I looked down and noticed that she still held my hand. People were snapping photos and jumping up and down but Liyah wasn't paying them any mind. I kept looking down at our hands. Did she know? Either way, I wasn't going to pull away. Her hand in mines felt way too good. She looked up at me and smiled. I looked down at her and wished I could kiss her. This shit is almost torture.

We ordered our food. Signed a couple of autographs and took pictures. We got our food and went back to Liyah's place. Being with her is heaven. I just wish it wasn't so secretive. But I'll do anything just to be in her presence.

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