Chaos Erupts Pt. 5

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I turned the TV off, wiping my eyes. Liyah can't be gone. She just can't. I made the nurse tell me about my sister 'nem. Rashida had three broken ribs and her arm was broke as well. Nicole was still unconscious after hitting her head. Rosario had been in the room to visit me, her legs were broken and she had a concussion. Everybody was accounted for except Liyah. None of the girls knew what happened to her either. Just as I was about to call the nurse, she walked in, followed by my dad. When I see him, I broke down crying even more.

K: Daddyy!! 

Q: (hugs her) Pie! I'm so glad you're okay (rocks her)

K: Daddy, they won't tell me where Liyah is!

Q: I saw the news baby. But after speaking to the police department and the people here, they have no possible trace of where she could be. They have her wallet but that's it

K: (wiping her face) Daddy, I don't understand. Liyah was with us on the plane!

Q: We'll figure this out baby. I brought an investigator with me. We'll get to the bottom of this. But I need you to calm down and rest Pie. This isn't good for you

I laid back in the bed and closed my eyes but I keep picturing Liyah. I looked over at my dad and asked had he talked to Rashad and Ms. Diane.

Q: Yes, (sighs) They aren't taking this well at all. Rashad has been trying to contact you.

K: May I use your phone to call him Daddy?

Q: (hands her the phone) I'm going to go check on your sister. I'll be right back

I pulled up Rashad's number and called him. When he answered, it was like a bit of relief that went through me.

R: Hello, Mr Q? You found out anything?!

K: Rashad?

R: (pauses) Kidada??? Baby?

K: Oh my God Rashad (crying)

R: Dada, you don't know how good it is to hear your voice

K: I love you

R: I love you too. How's everybody else? How's Aaliyah

K: (covers her mouth/crying harder) I don't know Rashad. Everybody else is here except Aaliyah

R: (confused) What? What do you mean? Wasn't she with yall?

K: Yes! She was with us Rashad but none of the staff says Liyah was brought here

R: The news is making it seem like Liyah was involved in the plane crash and at the hospital. They say they're waiting for more details but judging on how the plane looked, we all assumed the worst

K: That's the thing Rashad, the crash wasn't that bad. Everyone has broken ribs or legs and some cuts and bruises but I just watched the news and the plane is totally a mess. I think something's going on Rashad

R: (sighs) I'm coming down there Kidada

K: How's Ms. Diane and Mr. Mike?

R: They are sick man. They're really taking this bad. But Drake is really taking it bad

K: Oh God, how's he doing?

R: Man, he's been throwing up and crying the whole time he's been here. But I can't stay here. I need to find out about my sister

K: Okay. My dad just walked back in and he wants to speak to you.


What the fuck is going on? Everybody's in the hospital except my sister? I know she was there with them so why is she not in the hospital. I got a real bad feeling about this shit. Just then I heard Mr. Q get on the phone.

Q: Rashad?

R: Yeah Mr. Q. Did you find out anything?

Q: (sighs) Well, all of the girls are coming along fine. Nicole is still unconscious but her vitals are looking good but son, they have no record of Aaliyah being here

R: That's what I'm not getting. Aaliyah was definitely there

Q: I got my investigator here and he's making contact with a few people he knows here. We are going to find out something

R: I'm on my way sir

Q: Okay, would you like for me to send a jet for you?

R: No sir, I've already sent for one. I should be there by sometime tonight

Q: Okay Son. See you when you get here

I hung up from with Mr. Q and went back into the living room. Everybody looked up at me so I knew I had to tell them what's going on.

R: They can't find Liyah

Everybody: WHAT????

Mike: (jumps up) What the fuck do you mean they can't find her??? Where the fuck is my baby???

Di: (crying harder) Oh God!!

R: (sighs) I'm not sure what's going on but Mr. Q just made it to the hospital and he says all of the girls are fine but there is no record of Liyah ever even being at the hospital.

Mi: How the hell is that even possible?? What the fuck is going on???

Teddy(Mike's brother): Mike, calm down. Now Rashad, what does this mean?

R: (sighs) No one knows anything about Aaliyah at this point. Clearly they know she was on the plane because of her ID and belongings, but as far as what happened to her, they don't know

D: (punches a wall) This shit is ridiculous! What the fuck yo??!

Locke: (grabs his shoulder) Calm down man, it's going to be okay

R: (looks at his parents) Mom, Dad. I'm going down there

Di: Are you sure? Rashad-

R: Yes Mom, I have to. I have to find my sister

Mi: Well, I'm going with you!

Di: Michael you can't fly! I'll go

R: No! Both of you have to stay here. I'll go and figure this all out. I won't leave until I have Aaliyah with me

D: I'm going too (stands up)

R: (nods) The plane should be here in 45 minutes

D: I'm good to go now

Locke: I'm going too

Beverly(Diane's sister): I'll stay here with Mike and Di to make sure everything is okay. Find my niece and bring her back safe. And you be safe as well (kisses Shad's cheek)

I said my goodbyes and got ready to head out. Drake and Locke were ready to go by the time the plane arrived. We boarded the flight and I instantly started making calls.

I had several texts from Tim, Missy, Kim, Tank and a few others. But I couldn't think about that right now. Where in the fuck is my sister???

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