Meet The Parents

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(Three months later)


I'm nervous as hell right now. Aaliyah is finally taking me home to officially meet her parents and I've changed at least six times. I heard Liyah footsteps and I turned around to look at her. She walked in, giggling.

A: Awww, baby your so nervous! (kisses his cheek) It's going to be fine

D: (sighs) I just want to look decent

A: Baby, they will love you ( wraps her arms around his waist) 

D: That's easy for you to say Lee. My mom is crazy about you

I introduced Liyah to my mom about two months ago. We were together when I got a call from my uncle, telling me to come to the hospital. My mom has been having some health issues. Liyah drove and stayed with me the entire time and when mom woke up, I introduced them. Sometimes my mom calls just to talk to Liyah.

A: My parents will love you too. My daddy might give you a rough time at first but-

D: (groans) Maaannnn

A: (laughs) Aubrey my Dad is a honey bear, he's like Winnie the Pooh once you get to know him

D: Welp, I guess we'll see how this goes


My baby is so on edge. I kissed him again before walking behind him out to the car. Rashad was going to be at dinner too so I knew it wasn't going to be too awkward. My daddy really is sweet but he doesn't play, especially when it comes to me and guys. Daddy hated Damon. It was weird because most of the time, my dad was never too mean to guys I brought home but he kept his distance from Damon.

We pulled up to my parents house and I turned to Aubrey and grabbed his hand. I gave it a small squeeze before we got out of the car. We started walking up the driveway, holding hands. My mom walked outside and greeted us.

Diane: Hey baby (hugs and kisses Liyah's cheek)

A: Hi Mommy

Diane: Well hello. I've heard so much about you (hugs Drake)

D: Hello ma'am. Nice to meet you

Diane: Aww honey! Call me Diane. Come on you two, dinner should be out shortly

A: Where's Daddy?

Diane: Him and Rashad are inside playing pool. We'll stop by and get them

We walked in and down the stairs to my Dad's game room.

Diane: Mike! Liyah and Aubrey are here

M: (lays down his stick) Good. This son of yours is cheating

R: How I'm going to cheat in pool Dad?

A: (laughs) Hey Daddy!

M: (big smile) Babygirl (picks her up/kisses her cheek) How's my Princess?

A: (giggles) I'm fine Daddy 

M: (sits her down) How are you young man?

D: (holding out his hand) I'm fine sir. How are you?

M: (shaking his hand) At least this one has manners. Good start

A: (shaking her head) Daddy this is Aubrey. Aubrey, this is my Daddy, Michael

D: It's a pleasure to meet you sir

M: Pleasures mine son. Yall come on so we can chat and chow

We all went into the dinning room and sat down.

Diane: Aaliyah, I thought Kidada was coming?

A: She was but-

R: (kicks Liyah under the table) 

M: (looks at them) But what?

A: (rubbing her leg) She had something else to do (glares at Rashad)

M: (looks at Rashad/chuckles) I bet. Boy, don't run your sister's best friend off

R: (looks offended) I didn't do anything Dad!

Diane: (laughs) Oh lord. Michael, Kidada isn't going anywhere. She's family either way

M: Mmm-hmm

Diane: (shaking her head) Aubrey, I hope you like seafood

D: Yes ma'am, I love it

M: So son, (clears throat) My baby girl seems to like you a lot

A: (blushes) Daddy!

D: (looks at Liyah/grabs her hand)  Yes sir, in fact, I love your daughter

M: Well, that's the type of man I like around my daughter. One who knows what he wants and not ashamed to admit it. That other punk Liyah brought home was the pits

Everyone kind of paused in what they were doing before me and Rashad put our heads down to hide our laughs. My mom looked like she was about to laugh too.

Diane: Now Michael

M: What? I'm telling the truth, hell. Just as hood and crass as he wanted to be. Gonna come up in here and try to tell me how I should be running my business. I been at this since before he was even a sperm swimming to his momma's egg

All I could do was shake my head. My daddy couldn't stand Damon. The first meeting, we ended up leaving my parent's house early because Damon got all indignant with my dad. Since then, it was downhill from there. They could barely sit in the same room.

By the end of dinner, I could tell my Dad really liked Aubrey. So much so, Daddy offered to take him to a baseball game with him and Rashad. When we left that night and got in the car, I turned to Aubrey smiling.

A: See, I told you they would love you

D: Yeah, your dad is mad cool. And your mom is like an older version of you. If I was a little older-

A: (hits him) Boy stop! (busts out laughing) You better not say that if you want to stay on daddy's good side

D: (laughs) True, he looks like he don't play about his wife

A: He doesn't

D: Or his baby girl. I wonder what kind of shit Damon said to him?

A: (laughs) Damon has no damn filter. There's no telling! But one thing I do know, I've never seen my Daddy so ready to lay hands on someone than he was Damon

We laughed and decided to head back to my place to chill for the rest of the night. We decided to catch up on "Power" and eat the pie that my mom sent home with us. I really think Aubrey could be the one for me


Meeting her parents was mad trill. They had an awesome relationship and they raised their kids well. Liyah laid her head on my shoulder and I looked down at her. This must be what paradise feels like.

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