Runaway Love

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I have never been so scared in my entire fucking life. Here I am, walking in the hospital, pushing a disoriented and sleepy Aaliyah Haughton in a wheelchair. I've been watching the news. People everywhere are looking for her and wanting answers. As I was making my way to the front desk, a nurse popped up out of nowhere.

Nurse: Hello Ma'am. How may we help you?

Shell: (jumps) Umm, (takes a deep breath/looking around) My friend isn't feeling too good and I think she may be pregnant

Nurse: (looks at Aaliyah) Is she okay. What happened to her face and her leg?

Shell: Umm, she got into a really bad car accident

Nurse: (kneels down in front of Aaliyah) Hey sweet pea. Are you feeling okay?

I looked at Aaliyah and her head was rolling around. It looked like she was finally coming too a little bit. She made a noise before she began to throw up. The nurse jumped back and went to get a bed pan so she could catch some of it. 

Nurse: Okay Ma'am. If I can get you to check her in at the front desk. We'll get here in as soon as possible

I pushed Aaliyah to the front desk and looked down at her again. I sort of pushed her hair a little bit more into her face so that she wasn't so recognizable. I signed her in as Cindy Washington and wrote that she was from St. Louis, Missouri. That's where I'm from. I took a deep breath and continued to fill out a bunch of lies while trying not to feel guilty. I had to do this right or my family would suffer greatly.

See, my brother was a drug dealer turned junkie who used to buy from Rod. We moved to New York about 10 years ago and at first, everything was good. It was just me, my older brother and two of our cousins. But when my cousin Marky got killed, it was a downhill spiral from there. My brother started using to cope with the pain and he began to use more than he sold. Darius eventually got so behind that he started getting his suppliers upset. One day, my brother was at a crack house when Rod came and kicked our door in. He was looking for Darius. I told him that I didn't know where he was. In return, he tore our apartment up and he roughed me up a little bit.

I was so scared for my brother that when Rod left, I called the police and made them raid the crack house. My brother was picked up and given a 6 year bid for the amount of drugs he had on him. I decided then that it was time for me to get away and I moved to St. Louis for about a year and a half. Rod found me and he paid me another visit. I thought that by moving here to Fiji, I would be out of harms way, but I thought wrong. 

If I don't do this right, I'm scared that Darius might be in harms way.

Nurse: Ma'am, ma'am?!

Shell: (snaps out) I'm sorry, umm, yes?!

Nurse: Right this way

I pushed Aaliyah behind the nurse, praying that things went smoothly. When we got into the room, there was a little girl in there with her mother, she was about 9 or so, that kept looking at Aaliyah.

Little girl: Mommy! Mommy!!! Look! It's Aaliyah!!

My eyes got wide and the little girl's mother turned her head quickly towards us. She looked at Aaliyah and she looked back at me. I was terrified.

Little girl's mother: Sweetheart, that's not Aaliyah she just looks like her

Little girl: No way! Mom!! I know Aaliyah when I see her!

The woman looked up at me and gave me an apologetic smile and pushed her little girl away. I was so relieved that I let out a deep, long breath. That was too close

Little Girl

I know that was Aaliyah! I just know it!! She looks hurt! I did see that she was in a plane crash. I have to get a picture and post it on Facebook! My friend Sheka will never believe me. I told her Aaliyah wasn't dead.

As soon as the lady turned her head, I took the flash off of my phone and snapped a picture. Take that Sheka! If only I could get her autograph too!

Little girl's mother: Come on April!

April: Coming mom


The woman and the little girl left the room and I was finally able to relax. I laid my head back in the chair and closed my eyes. Everything was okay until Aaliyah started screaming and moving in pain. I called for the nurse and looked on as blood began to fill the bed.

Nurses and two doctors ran into the room and I began to feel like I couldn't breath. I started backing out of the room as the tears began to fall down my face. When I reached the hallway, I turned and began to run. The nurse was running after me but I just kept running. When I made it outside, I went and jumped out the car and sped out of the parking lot. 

Oh God. What have I done now?!

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