Day's off

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  Drews PoV
   After being practically force fed a fried egg sandwich by Shane, I quickly excused myself to go get a shower. I felt physically sick. I had already had enough things I hated about myself without adding my weight to the list. Why was Shane so bothered about what I ate anyway?

I made sure to lock the bathroom door tightly after I arrived before turning on the shower, knowing the loud sound of the water droplets hitting the porcelain tub would drown out my cries of sorrow. What was I thinking? How many calories were even in a fried egg sandwich? Too many, probably.

The tears quickly leaked over my eyelids and slid down my cheeks, like they did every day. I bit down on to the material of Shane's jacket, trying to conceal my pathetic wails from the others. They were only in the next room and the walls were quite thin in our small apartment, so it was possible that even the shower wouldn't drown me out if I wasn't careful. If they heard me crying, they would instantly ask questions, questions that I didn't want to answer.

Tears continued to pour down my cheeks as I mulled over how fat the sandwich would make me. The worst part was, I could still feel the fatty poisons in my system, churning around horribly in my gut. I wanted it to get out. I had ti get it out, now? I leaned over to the toilet and stuck two fingers deep down my throat, gagging instantly. I was glad I had a gag reflex and it reacted quickly as I threw up in the toilet. Once I was sure I had gotten rid of it all, I carefully wiped my mouth on a piece of tissue paper before flushing the toilet and shakily standing up on my jelly legs. The back of my throat burned and I still had an awful after taste in my mouth, but the main thing was it was all out. My breath smelled putrid but I didn't have the energy to do anything but sink back against the wall.

Shane's PoV
   I carefully knocked on the bathroom door, just in case he had gotten in the shower. I highly doubted that he did as I was 99% sure I had heard him throw up moments ago, but I knew walking in on him without an announcement wouldn't be the best thing right now. My big brother instinct had kicked in and I immediately rushed to the bathroom door, to check my timid was okay.

" w-who is it?" He stammered, his voice slightly croaky, though I didn't know whether it was because of the fact he had just thrown up or if he had been crying. Perhaps it was a combination of the two. Drew was extremely sensitive after all and the slightest thing could cause his face to fall and his eyes to glaze over with tears. At some point or another over the past few months in the flat, we had all said something to Drew that caused him to cry, no matter how innocently we meant it. Who could he blame him after all he had been through?

" Drew sweetheart, it's Shane, can you let me in please?" I asked, leaning against the locked door. I couldn't help but feel a little bad, perhaps he had felt sick this morning and that's why he didn't want to eat. I mean, I didn't really listen long enough for him to tell me he was ill, instead I just insisted he ate. I couldn't help it though, as soon as the seed of doubt about Drew not eating was planted in my mind, it grew and grew and grew. I only wanted to protect him and make up for the crap life he had lead all these years. All I wanted was to make him smile again and believe in love just like I did. I knew love was real because Drew sparked it within me.

After a few seconds, I heard the sound of the door being unlocked and moments later, it creaked open a crack. Drew didn't want to let the whole world in, only me. I slid through the gap and locked the door behind me, knowing without asking that Drew wanted me to do that. They joked that were could read each other's minds because we were that close and times like this just proved that theory correct. After the door was safely locked, I sunk down onto the floor next to Drew.

Drew looked awful, his cheeks gaunt, his light hair stood up on end, large dark circles massively visible under his dark eyes. His eyes were also ringed in red, signalising that he had in fact being crying. The sight of him this broken almost caused my heart to shatter into a thousand tiny pieces. I slung my arm tightly around him and I pulled him closer towards me.

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