Please Be mine

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An;; awfully written chapter and luckily, there isn't much of this story left (only like seven chapters) so you don't have to put up with it much longer. Slight smut warning in this but, as I'm an awkward timid, it doesn't go far at all. Enjoy
Lucifer xoxo

Shane's PoV
It didn't take us long to get back to our shared flat once we had fought our way out of the crammed art hall crowds, and once we had arrived back at our small but comfortable home, me and Drew happily sat together in the arm chair in front of the fire, finally able to cuddle properly and act like a couple without having to worry about the others finding out about us and our relationship in the process. After months of desperately trying to hide the truth from our best friends, and barely fighting off the urges to do things such as hug Drew and hold his hand tightly in my own in public, it was definitely a relief to just be able to do this, without constantly glancing around the room, wondering who would be watching us.

Though, in a way, I had liked the secrecy of it all, at least at first. In a way, it made our relatishio more exciting and intense as we made sure that every moment we spent together, able to kiss and hug each other without being caught, counted, in case we wouldn't get the opportunity again fir several days.

In all honesty, I didn't fully understand why we had been so reluctant to tell them the truth just hours ago, especially due to how accepting they had been about the whole thing, and how accepting they had always been of the way me and Drew around eachother, even when we were just friends. They didn't say that it was wrong for two guys to be in a relationship nor did they call us 'disgraces', unlike a few rude people on the street who had seen me and Drew holding tightly to each other's hands on their way past, whilst we had been walking home. In fact, the others were happy that we had finally gotten together, uttering many congratulations to us, and when the homophobes on the street had started to call out their mean, hurtful comments, the others had quickly stepped up to defend me and Drew, even though we had both reassured them that it didn't bother us much as we were used to people shouting this abuse at us, even before we got together.

Even Drew didn't seem to mind that our secret was now out there now to our friends, nor did he seem to mind all the extra attention we were suddenly being paid this afternoon. It seemed that our friends wanted to know every single detail about when me and Drew had got together as, although they'd had some suspicions about us being together before, they had never been fully sure of where we stood and kier thought that we had been keeping it a secret for years on end, whilst Laurence and Luke both suspected mere months, which was a slightly more accurate guess.

However, due to the fact that our group was already drawing lots of attention walking down the high street, due to the fact that we were all boys wearing eyeliner and two of us were holding hands, Laurence tactfully suggested that we would talk about it once we got back to the flat, which everyone quickly agreed with. I had smiled widely at that, as I knew that Laurence often wanted us to say this stuff in public, as a way of making a bold statement against all the homophobes who may have judged us, yet Laurence didn't push us to tell them there, which was merely for Drew's sake rather than anyone else's . He knew how fragile my little timid was and, despite his many protests, everyone knew that the comments already being hurled maliciously at us were hurting Drew deep down, due to the many tears hung in his eyes and his pained expression that was hidden behind his bright smile.

"I wanted to sit in the armchair! It's not fair, you two always hog it" kier whined indignantly once he had finished taking his shoes off and had waltzed into the living room, just to see that me and Drew had already beaten him to his new favourite chair. Drew merely giggled at kiers words, knowing deep down that the red head didn't mind that much about who sat upon about the silly chair. It was true though, me and Drew often huddled up together in the armchair these days as it was the most comfortable way for the two of us to sit, as it meant that Drew could perch on my lap without it looking weird to the others, which was why we had purposely always sat there when we were trying to hide our relationship from the others. Although we didn't want to or need to hide it now, we had grown used to cuddling upon the comfy chair together, and the habit had stuck, meaning that was the first chair we had dived upon when we had stumbled into the messy living room.

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