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Shane's PoV
        I was awoken in the dead of night by a series of whines and muffled cries sounding besides me, coming from Drew's side of shared our double bed. At first, groggy and still half-asleep, caught in my dream world, I turned over on the bed with a small sigh at being woken up at such a ridiculous time in the middle of such a peaceful dream. I quickly decided that I would ignore the intrusion and try to fall back asleep. However, this idea didn't work as every second, Drew's whines became more and more insistent, increasing slowly in volume and pitch until he was full on crying and screaming in terror, as he thrashed about on the bed, causing it to shake slightly. The sudden realisation that Drew was having yet another terrifying nightmare was enough to snap me back into action, ready to comfort my little, terrified timid.

"Drew, it's okay, it's just a dream, I promise" I whispered soothingly as my arms found his small, huddled figure in the darkness and I wrapped him tightly in them as he flew up from his previous position, which had been lying on the bed next to me. Tears swarmed down his face and I could hear a sob rise in the back of his throat; yet I knew he would try and conceal it, that he wouldn't let it show in front of me. He hated letting his emotions seep through his strong mask, thinking he was merely being a burden to us all by feeling the way he did. But he could never be a burden and all I wanted was for him to be truly happy, like he deserved. Thats all I had ever wanted for him yet his happiness always seemed to be snatched away cruelly, by some sick twist of fate like his parents dying or his sudden relapse. But despite this I vowed that one day I would be the one to make him happy again, even it killed me and tore me apart piece by piece. I missed his bright smile, that could light up a whole room in an instant. I missed his musical laugh that seemed to make me want to laugh too, even when I didn't really see what was funny or what he was laughing about in the first place. I remembered a better tine when all Drew ever seemed to do was laugh no matter what. Back then, the others had found it rather annoying how he would be set off intp a fit of childish giggles at the slightest thing but secretly, I had always admired it and longed to hear the sound continuously, all day long and well into the night . Sadly, it had been many months since the laugh had been heard.

I felt Drew shake his head as he sobbed helplessly against my chest, a little louder tham he usually would but still way too quite wake up the others, who were blissfully asleep and unaware across the hallway in their own bedrooms. Drew hated crying loudly for all to hear but he was starting to get a little more comfortable with showing his emotions around me, probably because of the way I didn't push him away when he told me the truth and when he told me how broken he really was.

His nightmares, sadly, had made a sudden reappearance after having disappeared for several months. They always seemed to do that and in a way it was almost cruel, a sick way for them to taunt him by making him confident in the fact that they had finally gone, just to return again when he least expected it. He never told me exactly what they were about but I didn't want push him too much, respecting that it was entirely his decision and that once he was ready, he would confide in me about them. And I would patiently be waiting for that day to come, no matter how long it would take. I would wait forever and a day, for Drew. After all, I only wanted for him to be happy but pushing him to tell me wouldn't help with that. He needed caring people he could trust to build him back up right now and I vowed that's exactly what I would be, for as long as he wanted me to be. And the others were there in case it ever got too out of hand but at the moment, he had been pretty clear that this stayed between the two of us and he had given me no reason to be so worried that I had thought it best to tell the. We were handling it together.

"S-Shane" Drew started to explain, detaching himself from my pyjama t-shirt for a brief moment to look me in the eyes, his hazel ones gazing back at my own, tears shining deep within them. However, the moment, if you could even really call it that, was soon as over as Drew descended into another fit if tears and his head went back to my chest, as he tried to hide his sad face from my view. He may let me hear him now but he still wouldn't let me see.

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