The party

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Drew's PoV
My smile widened as Shane slipped an arm around my slim waist and pulled me into our small, but cosy appartment; a place that I had missed desperately ever since I had been admitted to the local hospital, three nights prior. This place held sweet memories and whilst I had been lying on my hospital bed at night, I had dreamt fondly about it often, missing it so much that it physically hurt me. Whilst the dreams were only about the simple, everyday things I did here, they proved a great source of happiness and ultimately helped me through my hospital nights, along with the comfort that my shaney gave me.

One dream that stuck out particularly to me for helping me through the long nights and also being pleasantly pleasing was one featuring me and Shane cuddled up in the armchair, watching marvel movies and occasionally munching on cookies from the packet that was rested on the arm of our chair. Half way through the movie, Shane had pulled me into his lap and pulled me closer, which had only caused my large smile to grow. Over time, I had stopped feeding myself cookies, as every time that I had felt the slightest bit hungry, Shane would select a cookie from the pack and begin to feed it carefully to me, so that I didn't end up choking on it.

I smiled once more, knowing that now that we had made our relationship change from simply being best friends to being together properly, more moments such as the one in my dreams would happen between us in reality, even if we did have to try and hide our feelings from the others, which I could already tell would be difficult, especially as they were already suspicious of it.

"Surprise!" The others yelled the moment me and Shane walked through the living room door, making me giggle slightly to myself before I put on a surprised face, not wanting to ruin their fun by admitting that Shane had already informed me of the party that they were throwing for me. At first, when Shane had mentioned the word 'party', I had been terrified that it would be a big event filled with loads of drunk, rowdy people, like most parties were these days, especially when they were parties for people around my age. However, my timid knew me too well to put me through something like that and so, only a few of our close friends were gathered around the living area, grinning widely at me. I smiled in response and walked closer to them, waving and giggling, unable to contain my excitement and happiness that they had all bothered to turn up, just to welcome me back into my beautiful home.

"So glad you're better Drew" Jack spoke up first, moments before his arms wrapped around me and I was pulled into his tight embrace, which was comforting, even though his arms weren't Shanes. I quickly smiled and thanked him before pulling away and returning to my Timids side, who shot me a reassuring grin. Whilst I knew that Shane could be the jealous, overprotective type, he knew that me and jack were just good friends and that we always hugged when we met up.

"Yeah, I bet this flat hasn't been the same without you and your hyperness" will grinned at me and I couldn't help but chuckle slightly. When I was happy and hopelessly hyped up on cookies, I could be leathal and by now, both will and Jack were used to this hyper side of me and often joked about it to me and the others when they visited, or when we crossed town to visit them in their untidy apartment. Shane had always declared to the others that he thought it was cute, which would just lead to me blushing like mad whilst the others all started up with the popular timids jokes. Before, I had just thought Shane had said those words to spark up the others many jokes and taunting, but now I realised that he had truly meant them, just like I truly meant it when i said that I loved him in the hospital and every single time since.

"Thank you guys, this is so amazing, but you shouldn't have done all of this for me" I gushed as my eyes flitted around the living room, which has been decorated with several outdated banners. The banners were clearly taken out of the loft space, from previous parties and events as they read things like "merry Christmas", "Happy 18th birthday" and "happy new year". I didn't care that they read these things, I was just happy that they had made an effort to even throw a party and that they had bothered to go and retrieve the colourful banners from the dark loft space.

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