Kier's phone

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Shane's PoV
The moment the door to the hospital room swung open, my head snapped up, hoping against hope that it would be Drew who would enter the gloomy atmosphere and magically brighten it up with his beautiful presence, like he often did whenever he walked into a room, without even noticing he effect he had on the people around him most of the time. He never noticed how widely they would smile just at the sight of the boy as angelic, gorgeous and innocent as my little Drewie had been, nor would he notice how everyone's mood would perk up considerably the moment he told one of his adorable little jokes, or when he made one of his incredibly cute derpy faces to entertain people. He didn't seem to notice the brilliant qualities deep within him that caused so many other people to smile and idolise him and instead, the minute he stepped into any room, he was convinced that he had annoyed everyone with his presence, and that nobody really wanted him there, merely tolerated him because he was a friend of ours. Many would try to convince him otherwise, yet he never would listen to them, too set in his self hating ways to believe he could be that amazing. People would flock to me once they realised he didn't believe them, and ask me to inform him of the effect he had on them, but I would just fondly shake my head and smile knowingly, not wanting to tell him, instead, wanting him to find it out for himself one day.

Now, I wish I had told him how much his company meant to people, me included, a thousand times over, so that he knew how important he was to all of us, and so that he knew just how much I really needed him here, by my side so that we could battle through this difficult time together, like we always used to. Perhaps if i had convinced him before of the charismatic impression he left on people who were lucky to stumble upon him, things would never have gone this far and we would all still be safe and together. He would be still happy and if he were happy, none of this would probably have ever happened.

It was funny how one minute you could love someone so dearly and hold them so close to your heart, and the next minute, you thought you hated them with a burning passion and declared fervently that you never wanted to see them again in all your life. But when you declared those words or felt those overwhelming surges of anger towards the one you loved, you never meant a poisoned filled word you shouted at their crying forms, and just minutes later, once you saw how much damage and upset you had really caused b behaving this way, you just wanted to take it back and make it all better between the two of you, just so that they wouldn't be sad anymore. That's what I wanted to do more than anything yet, as Drew wasn't here for me to apologise to, I had no clue what to do. I was lost.

Ever since the day of our big argument, Drew hadn't been anywhere to be seen and all of his belongings had been removed from the flat, along with his small, black suitcase. We looked for him day and night, all around the light town and the dark streets, me and Luke taking it in turns to stay with keveridge in the hospital or to go searching for Drew, yet he had somehow disappeared overnight into a puff thin air, and nobody we asked on the street seemed to know anything about him, or where he had ran to so suddenly, to get away from all of us.

I was so worried about him, and I hadn't been able to stop worrying since the minute we ran home to find kier being lifted into the ambulance by a rushed team of paramedics, and Drew nowhere to be seen, making it clear that he had ran away from home, due to what had been said between us. He was only small and frail, and very easily manipulated, so it wasn't hard to imagine him getting hurt out there, if he was all alone in the world, with nobody to look out for him or protect him in the way I wish I could. He'd barely had any money with him when he set off from the flat a week ago and so, by this point, he was sure to have run out of money. I hoped he managed to find some quickly, somehow, so that he didn't starve to death or die sledding in the cold dangerous streets. He didn't deserve any of that, he had done nothing wrong after all, I had. I had completely overreacted when he told me his and kiers secret, when in reality, it shouldn't have surprised me at all that kier and drew did what they thought they had to do to get our attention. I had nearly kissed Drew at least two times by that point in time and by then, the boy must have been beginning to get confused about my intentions, and whether I would actually bother to ask him out. Plus, it was rather obvious that I would never fully work up the courage to ask him out unless something drastic pushed me towards doing it...

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