I can never lose you again

73 13 2

An;; this chapter is very triggering and also very badly written, as it was sad to write so I rushed it slightly. I'm sorry
Lucifer xoxo
Drew's PoV
    Once he hung up the phone and the phone let out a little buzz, signalising that he had left me once again, I cried louder and let out the tears I had desperately been trying to hold back for days on end. At first, I saw them as a sign of weakness, a sign of me struggling without his love but now I realised, I didn't matter if I was weak when nobody was here to see me cry, and more importantly, nobody cared that I was crying. I didn't have to be strong anymore, as he wasn't around to worry about me being upset and so, I finally let go of my fragile emotions and screamed loudly, like I used to before he found out about everything that was wrong with me, and the pain that controlled me to make rash decisions that I always grew to regret instantly.

I screamed louder as I glanced down at my pair of heavily slashed arms, both coated in a thick surge of Scarlett blood that wouldn't stop flowing from the large wounds in my arms. I bit my lip, trying to hold in my tears of pain and horror at the torture I had inflicted upon myself, but it was too hard, and too painful to contain and so I let out another loud scream, backing into a corner of the bathroom, wanting to rid my eyes of the sight of my on blood that stained the dirty floor, yet, the thick scent of it still filled my nostrils and i gagged instantly, almost throwing up.

I needed to get out of here, quickly, before I drove myself further to a dangerous insanity.

I quickly made for the door, my actions slightly sloppy due to the fact that my head was aching, and because my vision was blocked by both my many tears and the black spots that began to consume everything before me.

I was already close to passing out, it would only be a few minutes until I collapsed under the pain, and then, my tired body would be left to slowly bleed to death on the bathroom floor. My only hope of survival was shane, yet who knew how far away he could be from me, or how long it would take him to reach me. By the time he got here, I might already be cold.

I finally reached the heavy bathroom door and leaned precariously against the frame of it,trying not to slip over and crack my head open on the thick bouts of blood that stained the once white tiles. I let out a shaky breath before I began pulling on the desperately on the large door handle anxiously, yet it stayed stubbornly stuck closed, due to the fact that it was difficult for me to open most of the times, let alone when I was injured and on the brink of death, and I let out a loud scream of both anguish and pain. I was trapped in here, with the blood and no way to get out and get a old tshirt which I could use to help stop the blood flowing out of my ruined arms. I was doomed to die.

"SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME! THE DOORS STUCK AND I CAN'T GET OUT. PLEASE" I screamed even though I knew it was highly doubtful that anybody would hear me in this hardly occupied, large hotel and if they did, they wouldn't be able to detect which of the many rooms the agonising sound of my cries was coming from, they would only want to make it stop. They wouldn't sense how urgent the situation really was, they would just think that some poor kid had locked himself in,and that his doting mother would return to their room soon and help him out. They wouldn't realise this was a matter of life and death, and if I told them, they would assume it was my fault cutting my skin in the first place.

"SOMEBODY PLEASE, IM SCARED. I DON'T WANT TO DIE LIKE THIS" I shrieked louder, my voice cracking with hopelessly tears as I weakly beat my small fists against the door, yet the stubborn door didn't even creak under their weight or minute force. I sobbed loud and moved back from the door, not wanting to accept my fate as I crouched  against the bathtub, staring dejectedly at the door that lay only mere meters in front of me.

For a moment, I was met with eery silence and then, I heard something hard hit against the door, and I lifted my gaze up from my lap, wondering to myself what the awful noise would be. Was someone here to rescue me or was I so close to death that I was hallucinating things due to large amounts of blood loss? I couldn't even tell anymore.

Yet the second time I heard it, I started to believe that the noise was real and that somebody was really out there, trying to break down the door and get to me. I instinctively  moved back, as far away the door as i possibly could and moments later, a third noise was heard and this time, the door gave way and in stumbled my shaney, looking slightly out of breath and terribly upset, judging from the amount of tears in his beautiful eyes.

For a moment, I just sat there, utterly bewildered at his presence as I drank in everything about his appearance that I had missed so desperately about him these past few weeks. He seemed to be doing the same with me and for a strangely heartbreakingly happy moment, time seemed to stop for both of us, as we smiled lazily at each other's presence. Then, he caught sight of my cut up arm and let out a strangled cry, before he rushed over to me, sat on the floor and pulled me into his lap, both of us crying loudly as his strong arms engulfed me.

"O-oh my god Drewie, I'm so sorry I made you resort to this. I-I didn't mean it, I swear" he sobbed, his perfect tears falling on to me as I snuggled closer to Shane, whimpering as the blackness swarmed my eyes, causing me to almost faint in Shanes arms.

"I'm sorry too baby, I'm so so sorry. I never meant to hurt you or kier, I swear. Just please don't hate me when I go" I mumbled out in a weak voice, as my body collapsed completely on Shanes, my eyelids beginning to flutter closed.

"DREW NO! BABY STAY AWAKE, THE AMBULANCE, IS NEARLY HERE. JUST TWO MORE MINUTES, STAY AWAKE FOR TWO MORE MINUTES" Shane sobbed hysterically as he began to shake my body violently, yet it was already too late...I was already gone.

"I...can't...hurts... I...love...yo-" I managed to mumble, before my body went limp and I closed my eyes, welcoming my brutal death.

The last thing I heard was a heartbreaking sob and cry of "I can't lose you again"

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