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Drews PoV
Soon after we finished our meal of fish and chips, we decided that it was time to go home and face the others. By now, the school were bound to have realised that we had left in the middle of the lesson and they would have had plenty of time to contact the others, who were probably out of their mind with worry, disappointment and in Laurence's case, anger.

Usually, bunking was an option I wouldn't consider, due to the huge effect it was said to have on your future and the fact that it came with a harsh punishment. But at the time, I had been blinded with upset and that had pushed me towards doing the wrong thing, I was so caught up in the moment that I never once stopped to fully think over the repercussions.

However, now that we were walking through the quiet streets, on our way back to our shared flat, my nerves were kicking in and fear was set deep in my stomach, causing it to flip uncontrollably. It wasn't that I was afraid of the others in anyway, it's just I didn't want them to be mad at me. I didn't want them to shout as every time somebody raised their voice in an angered tone around me, my mind immediately thought back to the words that were harshly spat at me in the school corridors.

I didn't want the others glare at me either because it only reminded me of the dirty looks that I received on a daily basis, just for being the screw up that I was.

I didn't want the others to be dissapointed in me, because I was already too much of a dissapointmemt to them. I never managed to get anything right and I didn't want to add this to my long list of mistakes.

However, Kier seemed completely completely unfazed at what was to come as he happily skipped through the streets, blissfully unaware to how I was feeling. Kier, unlike me, had been caught bunking off school on many occasions and getting in trouble seemed to be a natural occurrence for him. He was always getting told off by someone for something, but it never ever seemed to change his devious ways, in fact, it spurred him on. Kier was one of those people who didn't particularly care about what other people thought (not that he had to) unless they were extremely close to them. Therefore, I knew for a fact that he would never change his ways out of fear for how dissapointed in him people would become. Perhaps that was the best way to be in life, not caring what others thought so that their words couldn't hurt you.

I had seen Kier get told off a few times for bunking school and my unease only grew as my mind flittered back to those occasions and the disrupt it had caused. Laurence had shouted at the younger male, his anger showing deep through his piercing hazel eyes. His Adam's apple had bobbed uncontrollably as he stood their and shrieked at Kier, content with giving him a huge lecture, even though it was clear as day that Kier was barely paying attention to the older males spat words. It had carried on for about an hour, Laurence shouting with Kier occasionally shrieking something back and I stayed curled into my timids side through the whole terrifying ordeal. Shane knew how much I hated arguing and shouting and he didn't seem to mind the small, frightened whimpers that fell from my chapped lips when they became particularly loud. Instead, his hand went comfortingly to my honey hair as he twizzled it around his fingers, trying to take my mind off what was going on downstairs.

Eventually, Laurence had accepted the fact that nothing he could say would convince Kier that his actions were wrong and he stormed off to sulk in his room, the door slamming behind him. Kier claimed the victory his but I think that Laurence had the upper hand, as he kept bringing it up and holding it against Kier every time the smaller male wanted a cuddle.

However, even Laurence could only stay mad for about a day before his anger cracked under Kiers persistent pouts and whines.

" hurry up Wooly" kier shouted, snapping me out of my wondering thoughts. I glanced up from the cracks in the pavement, to see that Kier was a little way ahead of me, stood under a streetlight about twenty meters away. He spun around the metal pole of it impatiently as he waited for me to catch up with him and, feeling pressured, I swapped my walk into a run until I arrived by his side.

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