Each other

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   Drew's PoV
      Nobody would tell me what on earth was going on as I got ready to leave the flat, under strict instructions from Laurence not be over half an hour getting ready, though I think those words were aimed more specifically at Kier than me. The red haired boy always took ages to get ready to leave the house, even if he was only going to the supermarket down the road to pick up some eggs for our breakfast. He constantly had to check that his hair was perfectly straight and that his bright fringe fell correctly down his forehead and that his hazel eyes were outlined in a thick layer of dark eyeliner, which was smudged slightly underneath. He also had to be wearing one of his many elaborate band t-shirts and a pair of tight fitting black skinny jeans, occasionally with holes slit in them. Fastening the afore mentioned jeans to his waist usually was his prized skull belt.

I, on the other hand, took no where near as long as kier to get ready. For one thing, by this point of my pitiful existence, I had come to accept that no amount of makeup could make me look attractive and so I tended to stick to a minimal amount of eyeliner, just enough so that I felt comfortable to go out. My short, honey hair only took a quick comb through and a run over by the straighteners as it naturally fell rather straight. I didn't ponder over a suitable outfit choice for ages, usually I just threw on my old, faded jeans and an oversized t-shirt that I had 'borrowed' from Shane. They weren't oversized on Shane but then again, he was a good head taller than me.

Today was no different and I was ready fairly quickly, including the time it took me to get a peaceful shower. I liked to pretend that the droplets of warm, steamy water that hit my pale skin were washing away all my pent up feelings of anger and hate and sinking them down the plug hole to rot away in the sewers.

Once I was ready to leave and fairly optimistic about the way my reflection looked in the old, cracked mirror, I made my way into the living room, where Luke was waiting for us all patiently on the old leather sofa, Kerrang! Playing quietly On our TV. He took no where as long as us guys to get ready to go out and by now, he was used to waiting around for us all. Whilst Laurence was no where near as bad as kier, he still prided himself in having the perfect set of panda style eyes. Shane always spent forever trying to get his long fringe to fall perfectly over his dark eyes and kier was...well kier.

I walked over and sat down next to Luke, praying that the other guys wouldn't be too long getting ready as I anxiously wanted to know what was going on and why they were being so secretive. Everybody seemed to have an idea except me and the suspense was killing me. Whilst I knew this wasn't some bad setup or an awful, sick, twisted joke, I couldn't help but fear that something bad was about to happen as a result of this, and Shane wasn't here to make me feel better, like he always managed to, no matter what. I owed such an awful lot to that man, including my fragile sanity. If it wasn't for him and his exceptional kindness, I most certainly wouldn't be here today. But he had left rather early this morning, before I had even woken up and I couldn't help but feel as though he was in on this.

Laurence was the next one to join us and he sunk down on the sofa next to me with a sigh, glancing anxiously at his wristwatch and sighing once he saw the time. It was already over the half an hour we had all been allocated to get ready and I couldn't help but hope that we would get to set off soon and I would find out what was going on.

" Can we please go now Laurence? You said we'd be setting off in half an hour and you said that to me thirty seven and a half minutes ago" I pointed out, cringing a little at how eager I sounded and how weird I was to have been counting the actual amount of time that had passed. Laurence sighed at my question but , as he was one of my best friends and knew how much the concept of surprises bugged me, he replied with a smile.

" we were meant to be leaving almost ten minutes ago and I made it very clear to everyone that we only had half an hour. But as usual Prince Charming thinks that the rules don't apply to him and is still faffing about with his eyeliner" Laurence sighed and I giggled slightly when he called Kier 'Prince Charming'. In a way, his comical words were true though. We were constantly running late to things and nine times out of ten it was Kiers fault for spending way too much time on his eyeliner. That boy had a worrying addiction to his eyeliner, I doubt he could survive a day without it.

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