Welcome home Drewie

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   An;; it's been a while since I updated this but I'm back now and I'm going to try focus more time on my writing, especially as all my tests are nearly over and it's the Holidays soon. This story may seem as though it's coming to an end but trust me, it isn't. A few chapters of fluff though
Lucifer xoxo

    Drew's PoV
      After a prolonged stay at the hospital, I had finally been deemed well enough to leave it's grey compounds and venture back into the real world, with my friends by my side, just like they had all promised they would be. They too had been anxiously awaiting this day and they had been almost as joyous as me when they found out I could leave today, though I think my excited screams had the edge to their claps and cheers. And of course, I recieved a kiss from shaney, but that was after the others had left us for the night; my last night in the hospital.

Whilst the last few days had been extremely difficult for me and at times, slightly painful, they were also the happiest days of my life, thanks to shane. He had done his best to keep my spirits high and encourage me that things would get better with time, that I would slowly stop hating myself and blaming myself for what they did to me. But what I didn't tell him was that things had already gotten so much better for me, simply because he was finally mine.

It still felt a little weird to call him that and despite everything, it made me giggle and squeal like a teenage girl just to hear him call me 'his'. Luckily for me, he didn't seem to find it too weird and when I squealed,he would exclaim "cutie!" and peck me lovingly on the cheek, which would cause me to blush and stutter hopelessly for the following half an hour. I was a complete and utter mess around him, yet he didn't seem to Mind it at all.

It was extremely weird to think that just a week ago, me and Shane had been friends, best friends, and now, we were a 'thing', officially. Although I had been lusting for my dream of being with Shane as a couple for months, nothing could have prepared me for what it actually felt like. It was like a shockwave hitting me at full on speed, causing my heart to flutter and race 100 times faster that usual, almost knocking the breath out of me, as well as making my face very pink, my cheeks in particular. Every time I looked at him and gazed upon his raw perfection, I would blush, my heart would race and all the words I had been waiting to say to him would somehow flush out of my brain, replaced by thoughts of Shane's captivating beauty. Every time I remembered that he was mine, my heart would swell with pride and I would wish to start dancing joyfully around the small hospital room, yet my sprained ankle restricted me from doing so. Probably for the best, as my excited dancing was not something I wanted Shane to walk in on unexpectedly.

After the magical kiss that night, Shane had once more tried to dismiss it as nothing, yet another mistake he had foolishly made. He looked frustrated and angry, which i had instantly assumed was directed at me, until I later discovered it was directed at himself, hating himself for kissing me in the first place. He had just been about to leave me alone, just like he did when it happened before, but I stupidly blurted out the words before he could. At my sudden outburst, he turned around and uttered similar words, that held the same meaning. That was when we both double checked that the other was certain of their real feelings and once we were both satisfied that the other was telling the truth, Shane asked me out. As you can guess, my answer was so obviously yes.

Ever since that moment, we had been literally inseparable, even more so than usual. He wouldn't leave me alone for a single minute, especially as he knew how much I hated hospitals, and how much being alone freaked me out. Of course, he was more likely to leave me for a few minutes when the others were here as then he knew that I wouldn't be alone, but he was still rather caring and overprotective of me when they were here. I loved it, just knowing that he cared enough to treat me like this. Nobody had ever been this kind to me yet Shane made it seem so natural, like it was effortless.

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