Strong little fighter

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Drews PoV
     When I woke up the next morning, I was in an unfamiliar room to the one I usually slept in. That was the first thing I noticed as I groggily opened my eyes and glanced around. The second thing I noticed was, that I was on the sofa, in the living room of our flat. The third thing I noticed was that I wasn't entirely alone.

An arm was wrapped tightly around my waist,keeping me closer to whoever was behind me. I started struggling to get out of their grip ferociously, terrified of who it could be. My mind wasn't thinking rationally enough to realise that it was probably one of the guys behind me, not some psycho murderer. Instead, I just panicked and started thrashing around.

" Drew stop wriggling so much, I'm trying to sleep" a timid voice came from behind me and I twisted around to see Shane lying behind me, his arm wrapped securely around my waist, presumably to stop me from falling off the sofa in the night. The sofa wasn't really big enough for one person to sleep on, let alone two. Normally, we would have just gone back to bed to sleep but we must have fallen asleep after our talk last night.

As last night comes rushing back to me, I feel my cheeks heat up. Last night I told Shane my deepest secret, about my parents and my cutting, yet he was still here.

" Shaney, you're still here" I gushed excitedly, as I wrapped my arms around the taller boy and pulled him into a bone crushing embrace, ignoring his feeble protests of 'it's too early for this Drew'. I couldn't help it, I was just surprised that he'd actually stuck around after all he had heard last night. It was a good surprised though. After a few seconds, he stopped protesting and he hugged me back tightly, wrapping his arms even tighter around me as I buried my head in his chest, snuggling in deep to his warmth, like I always did when me and Shane cuddled. We cuddled often, but just as friends. Most people thought it was weird yo hug a boy in such a way and for it not to mean anything, but I was incredibly close with Shane and we enjoyed our little cuddle sessions a lot.

However, today when he wrapped his arms around me, I felt a strange jolt of electricity course through my veins. That was new...

I shook the feeling off hurriedly, putting it down to being simply tired. It had been pretty late when me and Shane had finally fallen asleep, locked in each other's tight embrace.

" why wouldn't I be still here?" Shane questioned as he pulled away from me, so he was looking me dead in the eyes. After a few seconds, I dropped my gaze, unable to look him in the eye. I didn't want to tell him that I thought he would leave after finding out about my cutting, because it would make him think that I didn't trust him. In reality, it was myself I didn't trust and I was scared that I was going to screw up again, fall back to cutting and make Shane mad at me.

Luckily, Shane caught onto what I had meant by my words but instead of questioning my trust in him, he simply comforted me about it.

" Drew, sweetie, look at me" he instructed as he gently hooked a finger under my chin and pulled it up, so we were making eye contact once again. I shivered slightly as I gazed up at him and he pulled a blanket from the back of the sofa and wrapped it around my small frame.

' I promise you, I'm not leaving you just because all of the suff you told me last night. It doesn't change my opinion of you in anyway, if anything, it makes me think better of you for being my strong little fighter through it all. I'm so proud of you for never giving up" he whispered sweetly. It was hard to believe that he was saying that to me, after I had spent years in fear of what he would say if he did find out, but of course, in his true Shane nature, he had just accepted it and offered to help me fight my demons. I also blushed slightly when he said 'my'.

" I'm not strong Shane" I whimpered as I glanced down at the painful scars on my arm, that were stinging after I deepened them last night.

" Drew, you are the bravest person I know and don't ever let anybody tell you different" he whispered as he kissed me cutely on the edge of the nose, causing me chuckle slightly, something I hadn't done in a while. It felt good to laugh again and I loved how Shane always managed to cheer me up, just be all his adorable actions.he probably didn't even know he was doing it half of the time . What did I do to deserve him?

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