The bite

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  An;; I know i hadn't updated for a few weeks until yesterday and now I'm updating a day later. I'm just weird like that. Enjoy

Drew's PoV
     I stared at my pale reflection in the cracked mirror, my attention completely focused on the large purple bruise on my neck, one that I knew would not simply blend in with my skin and that I could tell would not be covered up with layers of foundation. Deep plum and prominent, just like he had intended it to be, put there to remind people exactly who I belonged to. Not who I wished I belonged to, the person I really loved but the person who I was bound to by guilt. I didn't want to leave him, or disappoint him, especially as this relationship would help him find happiness.

Yet I couldn't help but feel as though this was going too far. It had started off so innocent, a relationship to help us get over the others, the ones who didn't like us back and never would. But it soon grew from that as we put on more public displays of affection, hoping it would grab their attention and make them realise their true feelings. But now, it was no longer innocent, childish fun and the mark on my neck proved that. In some ways, it scared me, I had never seen kier like that. This was driving him insane, and one day, he would push things too far, if he hadn't already...

   "This isn't working" kier let out a loud sigh, purely made up of frustration as he entered the room, completely startling me. My head snapped up from hands, which I had been nervously wringing, a side effect of my crippling anxiety. I had been a nervous wreck ever since Shane had left that morning for art college, though I didn't exactly know why. I was often like this when my timid left me, as I was afraid that I would grow upset and it terrified me that I wouldn't be able to run to him if that happened. When he wasn't there to comfort me, I knew I wouldn't be able to stop myself from falling back to how I used to be, with the cutting. He was always the one to talk me out of it, no matter what. Yet he was the only reason I never did cut and if he wasn't here, nothing else could stop me. Then I would just disappoint him again, which was the last thing I wanted to do. I wanted to make Shane proud of me and I wanted him to be proud to call me his timid, instead of hating me for being weak and relapsing.

"Drew, are you even listening to me?" Kier's slightly raised voice snapped me back out of my thoughts and I looked up once more to see his cold, hazel eyes glaring at me from across the room, their gaze weighing me down slightly. It soon became clear to me that quite some time had passed and that kier had been in the midst of one of his rants, expecting me to be hanging off his every word like a 'good little timid' yet that wasn't the case. I had been so absorbed in my thoughts of Shane, and how he helped me get through these past few months that I hadn't paid the slightest bit of attention to kier and he had eventually caught onto that fact. He didn't look happy with me and I sighed to myself, knowing this would mean yet more conflict between the two of us.

Lately, me and kier had done nothing but argue, over the same thing each time. Tensions were rising between us and soon, we would probably crumble under the pressure and the secret of our relationship would come out in the open, for the others to see, and then they would hate us. At least, that's how I saw it. To me, this was the worst idea either me or kier had ever had yet he thought completely differently, drove on by his burning passion to be with Laurence. We argued often, as I tried to get out of this lie before it was too late, and kier would yell back, telling me this was exactly what we both needed. Of course, I always gave in, too timid to stay in the argument for too long but that didn't mean I would stop trying or stop detesting the idea.

"Sorry kier, I was thinking about some things. What were you saying again?" I questioned, trying to sound like I was generally interested in what he had to say, mostly to avoid more conflict between us. However, a small, hidden part of me was curious to what had got kier so riled up like this, as he seemed extremely pissed off.

" I as talking about the plan, it still doesn't seem to be working. I had thought this would be over by now and that we would be content on the arms of the ones we loved by now,with them loving us back. Yet nothing seems to have changed in the slightest, despite all we have done so far" kier ranted, and i tried desperately to listen to his words with interest, even though I had heard the same points over and over again. It was all kier ever spoke of and I could tell by now that he was getting pretty desperate, even more desperate than me.

" this is exactly what I have been saying this entire time. I'm sorry to have to break this to you kier, but maybe this plan was never destined to work out for us and I think it's time to stop. It's not working and it never will. I'm sorry" I sighed sadly as I perched myself on the edge of the bed, next to where kier was sat, so close our arms were brushing against each other's. I wrapped my arm around his shoulders, an act of comfort as I knew that my words would be a blow to him. Yet it was time for him to face up to the truth.

" you're wrong Drew. Just because they haven't noticed yet,it doesn't mean that they won't. We just aren't trying hard enough but I have the perfect idea to show them you're mine" kier smiled, a weird look in his eye that I couldn't place. It was a look I hadn't seen before and it didn't match his previous expression at all. It was no longer joyful but mischievous and it had a sense of darkness intertwined in it. I noticed him move closer to me, his narrowed eyes trained on my neck and instinctively, I moved back .

"K-kier? W-what are you doing?" I asked, mentally cursing myself for my stutter. I completely froze as I felt kiers calloused fingers brush over my neck, carefully moving away my hair and causing me to involuntarily shiver. I couldn't do anything but stare, transfixed as his lips moved to my neck, brushing slightly against the skin.

" drew, I'm sorry about this" I heard him mumble...
End of flashback

I winced slightly as I prodded the bruise, hoping that it would just rub away like ink. But of course it stayed stubbornly, staining my skin. I had no idea how I would hide this from the others, who would all be sure to be inquisitive about it and his it got there particularly Shane...

"Drew, sweetie, you need to hurry up. School starts in fifteen minutes and it's a half an hour walk from here" Shane spoke, his voice closer than it should have been. I looked up in shock to see another figure in the mirror, placed only a few inches behind me. This blond figure was squinting in the mirror, his wide, emerald eyes trained on one thing; the bite.

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