Hospital confessions

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Drew's PoV
    I kept my eyes trained down on my cast,trying to ignore the writhing discomfort in my stomach. I was so nervous about seeing them, worrying about what they would say and the questions they would ask. Of course, they would wish to know the reason I had been carted straight to hospital right in the middle of the school day and they would want to know why they hadn't been allowed to come and visit me instantly. Their questions would only grow when they saw my awful arm cast and I knew that this time, saying I just simply tripped would not suffice as an excuse. They wouldn't stop probing until they got the truth.

I sighed softly to myself as I internally wished that things didn't have to be this way, so difficult all the time. I didn't understand why people seemed to enjoy so much putting me through this pain and making me cry, kicking me until I passed out. Did they feel bad that I had been sent to hospital as consequence for what they did? Probably not . In fact, they were probably laughing about it right now. Some idiot would have filmed it and I shivered as I imagined that footage all over Facebook and various other social media websites, there for all to see.

I couldn't help but wonder, how much further would they pursue this hatred? Would they finally leave me alone when I got back to school? No, definitely not, I already knew the answer to that question. When would it ever be enough for them?

My entire body ached and every time I moved, jolts of pain were sent through my muscles, making my mouth release a cry of agony. I felt so useless not being able to move and having to get a nurse to do the simplest of tasks for me, like moving me slightly so I was sat up comfortably against my fluffy pillows. They insisted they didn't mind looking after me and I found myself being babied, which in some ways I wasn't happy about. Although their care was nice, I knew they were only doing it because it was their job or out of pity for the sixteen year old boy who couldn't even protect himself.

The constant beeping from the machine beside me was driving me slowly insane. The pulse never changed, showing the beating of my heart was steady and regular. It annoyed me because I didn't want it to beat at all.

I wanted Shane. I needed Shane. I doubt he even came to visit me. I doubt any of them did. They had lives to lead after all, why would they concern themselves with the added stress of coming to visit me? They wouldn't, and if they did, they shouldn't have.

"Do you want some ice cream sweetie?" The nurse stood by the side of my bed asked me in a soft tone, snapping me out of my conflicting thoughts. She had just been sorting out my heart monitor, and I had been hoping that her hand would slip and pull out an important wire that would inject poison into my system or some shit like that. Now I could see I hadn't been that lucky. I sighed once more, wanting nothing more than to curl up and die. This was my darkest hour yet, and nobody I could trust was around, just a hospital full of patients and doctors. None of them Shane.

"Y-yes please" I replied, my voice coming out raspy and you could detect the sadness behind it. The nurse looked at my sympathetically before softly ruffling my hair and then sctuttling off to find me some ice cream. The doctor said I should just eat something soft for the time being, so my options were either limited to ice cream or mash potato. I had choosen ice cream earlier but I had put off eating it until now. I knew they wouldn't stop asking until I did eat and right now, I couldn't be bothered with putting it off. Might as well make somebody happy for a change.

So here I was, alone, again.

My head shot up the moment I heard familar voices outside my room and a smile found its way onto my lips at the sight of Shane stood on the other side of the glass window, smiling in at me, relief in his eyes. For a moment I was confused by the look until I realised, feeling slightly shocked, that he had been worrying about me, wondering if I would be okay. Whilst I knew I didn't deserve for him to care so dearly for my safety, I couldn't help but feel happy that he did.

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