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  Drews PoV
      I shovelled down my breakfast of coco pops as hurriedly as possible, tying not to think of the fatty deposits it left in my body as I ate it. I knew I shouldn't be eating this, that it wouldn't help my self esteem in anyway possible but as soon as Shane looked at me with his adorable puppy dog eyes, I cracked and gave in to his protests. For some reason, making Shane happy filled me with joy and I was willing to give this a try, just for him.

In some ways, I was scared that it would all get to much to handle and I would go back to my old habits, disappointing Shane. I didn't want to be a disappointment to him; I wanted him to be proud of me, to be proud to call me his fellow timid.

I quickly wolfed down my cereal before I hurried off to get ready for a daunting day at school, resisting the urge to go and throw my food back up in the toilet as I went. I hated school, mostly because of the people who roamed the halls and dedicated their day to making mine a living hell. Everywhere I went, insults such as 'emo', 'freak' and 'fag' followed me around, sometimes in a hushed whisper I wasn't supposed to hear, and sometimes in a shout that was meant to cut my heart up like a knife.

And it did hurt, so much to be singled out by so many of my fellow students. Practically everyone in school was in on the name calling, mostly because my bullies had drilled it into them who's side they had to be on. I always got picked last for the team in PE and I dreaded the moment a teacher would shout out 'group work', seeing as nobody wanted me in their elite group. I had no friends to get me through the day, except Kier of course but we were in hardly of the same lessons. Besides, he had his own friends, who had made it clear they didn't like me from the start. It wasn't Kiers fault, the boy was clueless to how depressing my school life really was, despite having seen a few incidents himself. I had managed to convince him it was a one off, when he saw me beaten in the hallway, and by the time we got home, it was to far back in his mind and he was to eager to see Laurence to tell Shane what happened.

I changed into my uniform silently, nervously glancing at my pale reflection on the mirror once I was fully clothed. Without even thinking about it, I let out a small sigh, like I always did when I stared at my reflection, picking out every flaw on my small body.

" I wish you wouldn't do that Drew" a voice sighed behind me and moments later, Shane's form appeared behind mine in the mirror. I smiled weakly at him, not able to muster up a proper smile, when on the inside I was dying. I didn't want to go to school today; in fact, I never wanted to go to that hell hole again. But if I told Shane the truth about my tormentors, his over protective side would take over and he would march into school and tell the teachers exactly what was going on. If they thought I was a snitch, it would only get worse. I couldn't take any more hate.

" do what?" I asked him, generally puzzled as to what had him so upset.

I had already managed to make him disappointed in me!

"Sigh when you glance at your reflection in the mirror" he explained to me as he moved slightly so he stood directly behind me.

" sorry, it's kind of a habit I guess" I replied after a few seconds of silence. I didn't know how I could explain it to someone as perfect as Shane, who would never know what it felt like to be insecure about their appearance. Shane wouldn't understand at all, he was beautiful.

Did I just say Shane's beautiful?

I had never really thought about before but it was easy to call Shane sumner beautiful. He was tall and striking, with a slim figure that I would die to possess. He had a handsome face with a strong jaw and two emerald green eyes that seemed to sparkle in certain lights. He had a long, thin nose and long, floppy, sandy hair, on which he usually had a pair of steampunk brass goggles perched on. He wasn't the most muscly of guys but he was strong enough, he had managed to carry me around places on countless occasions, never complaining once even though I must have weighed an awful lot.

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