Fish and ships

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Drews PoV
As soon as I walked out of the classroom, I allowed my feet to hurriedly carry me to the boys toilets, where it would hopefully be safe to spend the rest of my day and cry until I could finally go home to see Shane. I was so desperate to go home that I almost debated phoning Shane up and asking him to come and collect me from the school office, but I knew if I did, he would want to know why. He could always tell when I was lying and when something upset me. when he thought there was something wrong, he wouldn't let it go until I cracked and told him. Besides, he was spending his day at art college and I didn't want to get in the way of that.

So instead, I slouched into the toilets and I settled with my back against the cold tile wall, my backpack slung carelessly on the floor beside me. I didn't care if anybody came in and saw me like this, I just didn't care anymore. I just wanted it all to end, the pain. It hurt too much and I was already broken. I couldn't deal with any more hate.

I remembered that I had a blade in my bag, which always sat there in case I had a bad lesson and needed quick pain relief. I almost pulled out and used it, until I remembered my promise to Shane. Did I really want to break it already? What would he think of me if I just crumbled in one day. He would think that I was lying and that I wasn't even trying. I was trying, it was just so hard when the one thing that could end your pain was the one thing you couldn't have.

I sighed loudly as the tears started falling down my cheeks, but I made no effort to stop them flowing. I knew it wouldn't work, it never did. They always fell.

I don't know how long I was sat against the wall, staring at the plaster chipped ceiling and recalling the events of my depressing life before the sound of the bathroom door opening snapped me out of my trance.

Oh no! what if it was another bully?

Kiers PoV
I walked out into the hallway, a smug smile on my face. I had been sent out here to 'think about my actions' or some bullshit like that but I was too busy concentrating on how red the teachers face had gotten at the rude word I had shouted out at the top of my lungs in the middle of algebra. As a result of that, I was sent out but I didn't really care.

I wasn't particularly a bad student, I just found it hard to concentrate on the work in front of me sometimes. There always seemed to be something a lot more interesting going on somewhere else in the classroom, whether it be a slither of gossip or the promise of a ruler fight with one of my friends. No matter what though, it was just a bit of harmless fun, not intended to hurt anyone.

However, neither Laurence or my teachers saw it that way and I could barely go a day without the same old lecture about 'applying myself'. It drove me insane, they acted as though I didn't even try.

Today, I wasn't in the mood for a lecture and I figured seeing as I was already in heaps of trouble, it wouldn't really matter if I ditched for the rest of the day.

Before I walked out of the school gates, I decided it would be best to quickly check my appearance in the bathroom mirrors, to make sure my eyeliner was still even and hadn't smudged slightly. As I pushed open the door lightly, I expected to be the only one in there. So you could imagine my shock when I saw a familiar small blond haired timid sat against the tiled wall, his bag beside him and his eyes puffy and red.

" Drew?" I questioned, even though I knew it was him for sure. Nobody else in the school matched his height or awkwardness but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing, he just found it hard to trust people. I don't blame him to be honest.

At the sound of his name, the small blonds head shot up, his eyes frantic until he realised it was me, then he visibly relaxed. I made my way over to him and I sunk down next to him, resting my back against the cool tile wall, moving Drews bag a little to make room for me to sit down.

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