Everyone knows

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Laurence's PoV
   Almost a minute after kier had disappeared in pursuit of the timids, he returned gleefully to the place me and Luke were stood, in the centre of the art hall where we had been waiting for kier to come back, hopefully this time with the timids in tow. Although the art show had finished over half an hour ago and Shane had informed us that he just needed to go put his work back in his classroom and that he would only be five minutes at most, neither of us had seen either timid since then and by this point, we were beggining to tire of standing around, hence the reason that we had sent kier to search for them. Shane had promised that he would only be five minutes after all, whilst Drew had simply informed us that he was going to stand by the door and await the arrival of his timid, seeing as they couldn't bare to be apart for over five minutes at a time anymore.

Lately, me, kier and Luke had all noticed the increasing amount of abscences from both timids, though, we never really had the time to question them about it in our busy everyday lives, which were a constant roundabout of keeping the appartment as neat as possible and working, or, in kiers case, studying. However, we were all beggining to grow curious of the fact that they always had so many excuses lined up that allowed them to be alone together for a few hours and of the fact that afterwards, they never did seem to remember what their original excuses were and it would take them a good minute to remember them. Of course, by now we had all come to realise that we were being lied to and that there was a clear reason behind the timids unexplained disappearances, yet none of us could figure out what it was or what it possibly could be. Luke had suggested that we simply ask the timids about it, but both me and kier both dismissed that idea quickly, knowing that we wouldn't get a straight answer even if we did inguire about it.

The grin on kiers face was huge as he ran through the crowd towards me and an oblivious pilnahn, who had grown bored of waiting around fifteen minutes ago and was now playing stupid games on his IPhone. Kiers eyes lit up as he saw me, leaving an adorable look on his face as he sped the rest of the way towards me, not caring that he was pushing many people out of the way in his excited haste to reach me.

I couldn't help but revel in kiers beauty as I watched him, my staring luckily going unnoticed to him or anyone surrounding us who may have pointed it out untactfully.For months now, I'd been developing feelings for kier, which sadly only grew with time, instead of shrinking like I had originally hoped they would. Despite the fact that me and kier had grown sadly less close during the time he spent in a relationship with Drew, my feelings for him during that time had soared, mostly because I realised, through seeing him in a relationship with someone else, how much I really wanted him to be mine, and how much I wished for him to return my love for him.

Of course, there had been a time when I was so convinced that he returned my love, yet lately, I didn't feel that way at all. There had been a time when me and kier had practically been going out, except neither of us was bold enough to make the relationship official, though in my eyes, that didn't make it any less real. After all, we had still done most of the things that normal couples did such as holding hands, cuddling up to each other on movie nights, spending every waking moment together, sleeping in the same warm bed and we had even kissed a few times.

But that was all in the past now, and a part of me couldn't help but despair, thinking that kier had forgotten all about it, yet if it meant half as much to him as it did it me, I didn't see how it would be possible for him to simply forget the whole ordeal.

Either way, he never mentioned it again.

"Hi panda" kier giggled adorably as he finally reached my side and beamed happily up at me, clearly pleased about something. I quickly looked around, double checking to see that he hadn't brought the timids with him, just to realise that he hadn't. I sighed softly, knowing that he must have been distracted by something he saw yet again. This was something that happened regularly to kier and his attention could be captivated by the simplest of things, often something that he found "pretty" or "colourful", and then he would completely discard whatever he was doing to come and tell me about what he had found. Whilst it was highly cute most of the time, in a situation like this when I wanted nothing more than to find the timids and return to my nice warm house, it was just plain annoying.

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