1 Pilot

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Dad and I walked into the tent of the circus. We both were excited for the show.

"Rosy you excited?" he asked. I nod with a big smile.

"Look Dad!" I pointed at the stage. There was two young boys walking into. It looked like the show had just started.

Then the elephant appeared in front of us. It was cute. It was first time for me to see the circus so everything looked fantastic.

Suddenly a woman in the crowd screamed. Everyone looked at her and she was pointing at the place behind the tent. There was a fire.

Everyone in this tent started running out of here. So did we. Dad took my hand and started running. Now everyone is escaping. Suddenly I felt my hand leaving from my Dad's hand.

"Daddy!!" I stopped and screamed out. But he was not there. I couldn't move because of fear.

"Hey!" someone spoke to me touching my shoulder. I turned around. It was a young boy who hold a bow and arrows.

"Where's your parents?" He said. I couldn't stop crying and couldn't speak so I shock my head. He suddenly lifted me up and started running.

He stopped at the safe place and dropped me down.

"Find your parents and run away from here okay?" he said looking into my eyes. I was still crying but I nodded. Then he went back to the circus tent.

*Present time*

I was sitting on the chair and waiting for him to come in. The door opened.

"Agent Garcia"

Agent Garcia (Hawkeye / Clint Barton story)Where stories live. Discover now