38 Surprise

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I woke up to find myself lying on my bed. I guess Steve carried me to my room. I looked around my bed but Clint was not there. But I found a note on the table next to my bed.

Good morning beauty.
I hope you slept well. 
I'm sorry for not being with you right now.
But I'll come home before 6.
I love you.

Clint. x

I smiled at the note. He would come home before 6. It made me smile. He's been coming home late at night. We can have dinner together tonight. Maybe we can go outside? I was so excited. But I had no mission today and nothing to do. I was not in the mood to go training. I decided to go to main level after I took a shower.

When I went to main level, Tony, Bruce and Steve were sitting on the table and had cups of coffee.

"Morning guys" I said as I walked in.

"Morning Rosy. How are you feeling?" Steve asked me.

"I'm good thank you. Oh! And thanks for last night." I smiled at him.

"Wait what's going on?" Tony said as he frowned his eyebrows.

"What? Oh no no no. It's not what you think." I said to Tony. He glanced at Steve and back at me.

"Tony let's go back to our labo." Bruce said.

Tony and Bruce left there to the labo. Steve went into the kitchen and brought me a cup of coffee.

"Where's Natasha? She already went on a mission?" I asked him.

"She's still sleeping in my room." he said.

I was surprised at his words. I thought she was with Clint now....then what is he doing now?

"She said she doesn't have a mission today. So does Barton." he added.

"Really?" I asked and he nodded.

"Then what is he doing?" I mumbled.

"Maybe he has something to do. Don't worry" he said and smiled.

I smiled at him softly but I was still confused. What is he doing? Thinking of it, the door of the elevator opened.

"Hey guys" Natasha said as she walked in.

"Hi Nat." I smiled at her.

She walked towards us and kissed Steve's cheek. It was so cute.

"Hey Nat. Do you know where Clint is?" I asked her.

She once looked at Steve and he looked at her. What the hell is going on?

"I don't know sorry Rosy." She said.

*time skipped*

I looked at the clock and it said it's 5:42 pm now. But Clint hasn't come home yet. Steve, Natasha and I spent the evening together. Some chat, movie, food....it was fun for me.

"Really?" Steve said as Natasha laughed.

"Yea! Phill has a poster of you!" I said and laughed.

"He's such a huge fan of you" Natasha said and we laughed.

The door of the elevator opened and I hoped it was Clint.

"Hey" as I hoped, it was Clint.

"Clint!" I said as I ran up to him. He opened his arm and we hugged.

I saw Steve and Natasha smirked.

"Let's go back to our room sweetheart?" he said as he took my hand in his.

I nodded and smiled at him. We got on the elevator. It took less than 30 seconds to our level. As the door opened, Clint and I walked in.

"Oh my god!" I said as I looked around.


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