31 His story and My story

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I'm dying because of this gif! okay YOUR WELCOME. lol

By the way I already wrote 40 chapters....can't wait you to read them!

*next morning*

I woke up to find myself lying on the bed alone. Again. Why can't Clint wait for me to wake up? I yawned and looked up.

"Good morning beauty." he said and smirked at me.

"Morning hawk." I said.

He was just putting on his clothes. I jumped off from the bed and headed to bathroom.

I took a quick shower and put my clothes on. Just T-shirt and jeans. Then I headed to downstairs.

"Wow thank you." I said as I saw the breakfast on the table which Clint made.

I should have done this.....Clint always does a lot for me. I really love him but he always does something first. So I can't do anything for him.

"Let's have breakfast." He said and we sat down.

After we finished eating breakfast, we sat on the couch and watching TV. There was morning show.

'Breaking news. Hawkeye was alive'

I opened my eyes wide and watched the news.

"Wow you're famous" I said to him and we laughed.

Next thing we saw was Coulson talking about Hawkeye. It was weird. But it's funny. Suddenly Clint turned off the TV.

"I guess it's enough." he laughed.

"Yea it's too weird. Anyway what are we gonna do today?" I asked him.

He put his arm on my shoulder and looked into my eyes.

"Nothing." He said.

I understood what he meant. Our job is not normal and sometimes it's crazy. So normal life is pretty rare for us. Doing nothing sounds nice for us.

"Okay." I said and kissed on his lips.

"Clint" I said.

"Huh?" he said and looked at me.

"I wanna know you more." I smiled.

We've been together for over 6 months but I still don't know about him much. We were just busy so we didn't have time to know each other.

"Okay what do you want to know?" He asked.

"About your birth and family." I said. His eyes were looking at me softly before he started talking.

"I was born in Weverly, Iowa. My parents died in a car accident. Then my brother Barney and I lived in an orphanage for 6 years. But we ran away from there. After that we joined the carnival. Then I met a pretty girl named Rosy." he said and I blushed a bit.

"Where's your brother now?" I asked him.

"Well we couldn't get along. I don't know where he is now." He said sadly. I smiled softly and kissed his cheek.

"Your turn Rosy."

"Okay. I was born in Brooklyn. My father was dead because of the accident which you know very well. I don't have any brother or sister. But about my mother, I really don't know. My dad didn't tell me. But when I realised she was not there. So she was dead I guess." I said.

He pulled me closer and hugged me tightly. When he let me out, I smiled at him.

"I really wanna know about my mom. But you know I have two dads now. I mean Phill and Nick. So that's enough for me." I said and smiled again.

He smiled at me softly and kissed on my lips. This kiss was passionate. Before I tried to kiss him back, his phone rang.

"Excuse me." He said and walked away.

He walked up to the kitchen but I could hear him talking to someone on the phone.


"Yes. What? Are you sure?" he said in a surprise.

"But I...okay Stark" he said and hang up.

Now I know who was talking with Clint. It's Tony. But I had no idea why he called him and why Clint was surprised. He walked back to me.

"Sorry." he said as he sat down next to me.

"It's okay. What did Tony say?" I asked him.

It seemed like he was surprised at my words. But he didn't change his face.

"It's about....my new arrows. He made new one so he called me." he said and smiled at me.

I frowned my brows at him. Because Tony called him about his new weapons? Really? But looks like he didn't want me to pursue so I decided not to care.

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