5 My first mission

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Agent Barton and I got on the Jet and he drove. Actually he is very good at driving it.

"Here." he said. I looked at the ground through the window and found a small building.

"Is that? the small one?" I asked. He nodded and tried to park the jet. But suddenly the jet hit something.

"Shit!" Agent Barton said. The jet was slowing down. We managed to land. I took my bow and arrows.

"Let's go." he said and we ran into the building.

In the building, it was so quiet. We slowly walked a corridor. Suddenly I heard someone shot a gun. We turned back and there were about 10 people who had guns. We started fighting. Agent Barton shot 3 men together and I shot 2 men. I kept shooting arrows but they were too fast. I realised that there was no arrows for me anymore.

"Shit!" I said loudly. Then Agent Barton threw me a gun and I took it. He smirked and I said "thanks." We started fighting again.

Looked like there were no more enemies so we kept walking. When we walked to a dead end, we found a secret room. Agent Barton slowly opened the door and we walked in. It was so dark. I couldn't see anything. Suddenly the light turned on. There were 3 men. Two men stood in front of their boss. The boss stood straight and smirked.

We started fighting. One man had a huge gun. I hid. So did Agent Barton. He shot one man who has a gun and he was dead. I ran in front of them and tried to shoot the man who had a huge gun but they were first. The boss shot me. I screamed in a pain.

"Garcia!" Agent Barton called out. He shot both of them and they were dead. I watched him running towards me. But my vision was getting dark.

"Garcia! Garcia!" he kept calling my name. But I couldn't answer.

"Eyes on me." he said and I followed what he said. Then he lifted me up and carried me to the jet.

Agent Garcia (Hawkeye / Clint Barton story)Where stories live. Discover now