25 His arrow

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I've investigated the explosion for 2 hours but I couldn't find new things. The documents said only 'what type of the dumb it was' 'when exactly the explosion happened' 'how many people was damaged' and 'the name of the victim'. There were nothing related with murderer. I need more information. But the more I searched for the explosion, the more I missed him. I always hold back my tears in public. But now I didn't know how long I could hold back so I decided to go back to my room.

Walking into my room, I was startled by the paper on the wall. I suddenly covered my month with my shaking hand. Because the picture of Clint on the paper was pinned on the wall by his arrow. I couldn't help but started crying so hard.

"Rosy" I heard someone called my name.

I knew who it was. I turned back and looked up.

"Clint....." I mumbled.

It was him. It was Clint. He was standing in front of me. He didn't die. He was alive.

He pulled me close to him and wrapped his arms around me. He hugged me tightly. I was crying into his arms.

"I'm sorry Rosy....." He whispered into my ears.

"Y-you're alive. No need t-to be sorry." I said but my voice was shaking.

He kissed on my lips softly. I kissed him back. I missed his kisses. I missed his everything.

"I missed you Clint...." I said.

"Missed you too. I promise I won't leave you alone again." He said and kissed on my forehead. I nodded and smiled.

A couple of minutes later, we sat on my bed. Finally I stopped crying and became composed.

"Tell me everything." I said to him.

"Okay. As you know I went on a mission alone. It's about to kill a man who had secret documents of SHIELD. I had been seeing from a distance and watched his move. One day I went into the building and got caught. I had been confined in a small room. The day you and SHIELD came there to help me, I managed to get out of the room. But I knew he would explode the building so I called you. When I called you, I was not there. I was in the small house which I bought three months ago. But I pretended that I was in the building. I'm sorry for not telling the truth at that time. I knew if I would told you the truth, he would kill you" he said.

"Okay I understood. But who is the man? Do you remember his face or name?" I asked him.

"I do. And I already found him." He said.

I opened my eyes wide.

"Who is it? Where's he now!?" I said.

"He's at SHIELD. His name is William Green." He said.

The name was familiar to me.

"Taylor's brother?" I said. (A/N if you don't remember Taylor go read chapter 16)

He nodded.

"Also know as Tommy Simpson"


First....I am so sorry everyone! When I saw your comments about his death, I felt like I'm a peace of shit. I couldn't tell you what is going to happen next. But see? He is alive! Don't worry!!

I love you all x

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