12 Found him

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When I walked passage way, someone shot at SHIELD building. I hardly stand straight. It's not going to be okay. If Bruce would be gre-

Oh shit. I just heard Hulk roared. I quickly tried to run to the lab but before I arrived there, I saw someone familiar to me. It was Clint. I knew he was not Clint right now so I followed him slowly so that he would not notice me. I walked behind him and suddenly he turned back.

He hold a bow and tried to shoot me but I stepped aside and punched his body. Then he punched mine.


I called out as I grabbed his left arm. But he didn't say anything and punched me again with his bow. I slipped through his legs and stood behind him. Before he turned to me, I kicked him hard. He tried to shoot at me again but he missed it. Then I punched his face so hard and he fell down on the floor.

"Ow...." he whispered and opened his eyes little bit. I watched him opening his eyes. Then he looked at me. His eyes were what they used to be.

"R-rosy...?" he said but I punched his face again just to make sure that the bastard got out of him. and he passes out.

"Anyone can copy?" I said.

"Yes Garcia." it was Steve.

"I found him, Barton. and he passed out. Help me to carry him to his room." I said.

"Okay I'm coming" he said.

Within 1 min, Steve came here. He lifted him up and carried him to his room.

"Thanks." I said and we let Clint lay on the bed. Steve smiled and went out.

I watched him for a while. After 20 or 30 mins later, he came to around.

"Clint!" I called out.

"Rosy?" he said.

"Ow...my head." he said in a pain.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yea. But why am I back? How did you get him out?" he asked.

"Cognitive recalibration. I hit you really hard in head. "

"Thanks." he said.

"Well now I'm even with you." I laughed and he did too.

I looked into his beautiful eyes. Then I realized he came closer to me. Our face was really close each other. I closed my eyes and he kissed me. I kissed him back. Suddenly the door swung open. I pushed him away.

"Am I interrupting something?" Steve said.

"Nothing." Clint and I said in unison. I saw Steve smirked.

"Get your suit up Barton."he said and walked away.


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