34 Is she my mother?

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She has long black hair and chap skins. She was tall and wearing black dress. Her face was dark and cold. I couldn't believe that she was my mother.

As she walked close to the boss, he opened his arms and kissed her cheek.

"My lovely wife!" he said.

I couldn't help but shocked. She glanced at me and walked close.

"What do you want from me?" She asked me.

I tried to say something but I couldn't. Because I was still shocked. She is a wife of this jerk? But why?

"Speak!" she yelled at me.

Tears rolled my cheek. I sobbed.

"Don't fuckin cry! Just speak!" she yelled again.

"I-I.....am....your....daughter" I said. my voice was shaking so bad.

I looked up to her and saw her reaction. She opened her eyes wide and covered her mouth with her hand. But soon she got angry.

"You're Rosy? The daughter of the fool?" she said and smirked.

She just called my dad 'fool'?

"He is not a fool!" I yelled at her.

"Oh poor Rosy....you know nothing." she teased me.

"What do u mean?"

"After I gave birth, only he cared was you. He didn't care about me at all." she keep talking.

"So I cheated on him." he opened his arms.

"And he found out then kicked me out. So it's NOT my fault." she said.

I couldn't believe it. It's NOT her fault? She cheated on my dad!

"It's all YOUR fault bitch." I said.

She stepped forward and slapped my face.

"Your father didn't tell you to watch your language?" she said and stared at me.

"You know what? I am so glad to see my husband will kill you." she smirked.

Her husband walked closer to me with his gun. He pointed the gun at me. My hands and legs were tied up so I couldn't move. Tears rolled down my cheeks. I should have listened to Clint. I was so stupid....I'm sorry Clint.

"Don't worry. It won't hurt." he smirked and triggered.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.


I heard the gun fired. But I didn't feel any pain. What is going on? I opened my eyes slowly. I saw him falling down on the floor. She screamed and ran up to her husband.

All his men turned back quickly and I looked up.


He was standing by the door with Natasha, Thor, Steve and Tony. He quickly gave the gun to Nat. Tears came into my eyes again.

His men ran to them and they started fighting. Clint ran up to me and untied me.

"I-I'm sorry Clint...." I said with a shaking voice.

"It's okay Rosy. It's okay" he smiled and kissed on my lips softly.

"Love birds!" I heard Tony called out. 

Clint and I looked at him and he passed me a gun. I smirked and stood up.

Our enemies were still coming into this room. They were too many but I knew we could kill them all.

Clint ran towards the corner of this room and started shooting his arrows. Tony was on his Iron suit and punched them. Thor used his hammer to hit them. Steve was punching them and using his circle shield. Natasha had two guns on her each hand and shot them.

One enemy run up to me with his knife and started hit me but I dodged. I grabbed his arm and twisted. He struggled. I shot at his arm and he dropped his knife. I punched his face hard and shot him.

After many fights, there was only one enemy. It was her.

"You're gonna kill me?" she said and raised her eyebrows.

"Yes" I said and pointed my gun at her.

She suddenly started crying and begging me.

"Rosy please. We can fix it. Please I'm your mother." she begged me.

I watched she begging me. She was crying so hard and it was hard to see her cry. But she's NOT my mother anymore.

"Nice try" I said and triggered.

I felt no hesitation. Clint put his hand on my shoulder.

I fired my gun at her.

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