33 Confined

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*next morning*

I woke up earlier than usual. I took a quick shower and changed my clothes. Thinking of last night, I went downstairs. Clint was still sleeping on the couch. I found his phone on the table and opened it. I saw his text from Tony. Yes! I knew Tony texted my mother's address to him. I quickly sent it to my phone and went out of the house not to wake him up.

It was not so far from here. I drove a jet to her house. I parked it near the forest and found a huge house.

"Wow...." I spoke to myself.

The house was really huge. Is she kinda rich? Or her husband is....oh my god. I've never thought about her husband. It's been years since I was born. Yea maybe she married to someone. I came here just thinking nothing but my mother. But what can I do? Just say hi like 'hello I'm your daughter'? No no no. I can't do this. I don't need to talk to her. I just want to see her.....see what she's like.

I walked closer to the house. The house was silent. I stepped in.

Beep beep beep

The silent started ringing and the red light started blinking.

What the...what is going on!?

Soon some men surrounded me and pointed guns at me. I raised my hand in the air.

"I am not-" they cut me off.

"Shut up! Take her!" one man told me and the other men.

They grabbed my arms and took me inside of the house. They forced me to walk. Inside of the house, it was dark. The lights were on but it was dark and black. It was little scary.

They pushed me inside of one room. One man brought one chair and forced me to sit on. I couldn't understand what is happening.

"What is this?" I asked one man. But he slapped my face to make me shut.

He tied me up and left the room. Now my hands were back of the chair. My legs were also tied together. I couldn't move but I had to leave here.

Suddenly the door opened and 3 men came into. One had a moustache. Looked like he was a boss. The others had guns. I stared at them keeping my mouth shut. The boss stood in front of me and looked into my eyes.

"Who are you?" He asked me. But I kept silent.

"I said who are you!!" He yelled at me.

"Sir" one of his men showed him a small screen. The boss smirked.

"Well well. You are an agent of SHIELD." he said.

I opened my eyes wide then stared at him.

"Why are you here? You want something?" He asked and smirked.

"Nothing." I said chilly.

"Don't fuckin lie!" he yelled at me again.

I still didn't know who he was. But I knew he was not a good one. Where is my mother? Has she been confined? Then I had to help her.

"I am looking for a woman." I said.

"Woman? What do you want from her?" he asked.

"I came here to help her from the fuckin bastard" I said loudly.

He smirked and whispered something into his man's ears. One of his men left the room to somewhere.

A few minutes ago, the door opened. As one woman walked into, I opened my eyes wide. Is....she....my...mother?

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