22 Last phone call

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We went to where Clint was. There was a small building and many trees were around it. Phil, Tommy, many agents and I got off the jet. Soon many agents who had guns surrounded the building.

"You're sure Clint is here?" I asked Phil and he nodded.

"Sir" one of the agents showed the phone to Phil.

I saw the phone and it said Clint was in this building.

"Agent Barton. Can you hear me?" Phil walked closer to the building and spoke over a loudspeaker.

But no one answered.

Suddenly my phone rang. I took it from my pocket and saw the screen. It was from Clint.

"Clint!?" I said loudly so everyone was looking at me.

"Clint is it you!?" I said loudly again. My voice was rushed.

"Yea it's me." He said through the phone. Opposite mine, his voice was calmly but nervous too.

"We came here to rescue! I'll go insid-" he cut me off.

"NO! Rosy don't come inside!"

"Why? You will be safe" I said to him.

"No he will kill you." He said.

I had no idea what he meant.

"He? Who's he? What's his name?" I said quickly.

"I can't tell Rosy. Too dangerous" he said calmly.

"Clint I'm with SHIELD now. Phil is here and other agents too. No one is dangerous!!" I said but he didn't listen to me.

"Babe listen to me. No matter what happen, it will be okay. Please remember that I love you. I'll always do." He said.

tears came into my eyes. His words sounded like goodbye.

"C-Clint...I love you too. But please don't-" my words cut off by the sound of an explosion.

I looked up to the building. All I heard was sound of fire. All I saw was the building burning on fire. This can't be real. I looked at my phone and it was already hanged up.

I had so forgotten myself that I didn't know I was running to the building. But someone stopped me.

"Let me go! He's inside!!" I screamed and tried to go inside.

"Rosy! You can't!" It was Tommy. He grabbed my arm and stopped me.

"Phil! Help him! Help Clint! He's inside!!" I yelled at him.

He didn't say anything. All agents there were back to the jet and back outside again. They tried to put out a fire. But it didn't work. The fire was too strong. I remembered the fire when Clint helped me years ago. I felt helpless. He saved me from the fire. But I couldn't do anything for him. Clint....he can't die. He can't leave me alone. I couldn't stand straight so I got on my kneels. Tommy made me stand up and carried me to the jet.


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