37 Feel lonely

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He grabbed my arm and tried to twist it. But I quickly punched his stomach. I took my gun from my back pocket and shot at him. The other man ran up to me and tried to punch me. I avoided every hit quickly. He once kicked my leg strongly. Before I felt pain I shot at him with my gun. There was only one man left. He grabbed knife from the table and ran up to me. I managed to dodge it. I quickly went behind him and took knife from him. He grabbed my arm but before he twisted it, I stabbed him to death with knife. He fell down.

I quickly opened their computer and copied a secret document into my USB flash drive. I rushed into my car.

"Agent Garcia do u copy?" Fury said through the earpiece.

"Yes and I've done." I smirked.

"Good job agent." He said.

I drove my car to be back to SHIELD. It was a simple mission.

*ring ring*

I heard my phone rung. I opened it and changed it into speaker mode.

"Hello?" I said as I focused on driving.

"Hey babe."

"Clint! Hey how's your mission going?" I asked him. I was happy to hear his voice. He was on a mission with Natasha today.

"We just finished. But we will be late to come home so don't wait up me." he said.

"O-okay" I said and he hand up the phone.

Lately I've been gone on missions alone. Clint and Natasha were on missions together. I didn't care about them going together but I cared about him going home so late. Every night I felt alone. I know he loves me and he knows I love him. But.....

Thinking of it, I arrived at SHIELD. I gave the USB to Fury and went back to avengers tower alone.

I took a quickly shower and changed my clothes. I wore white T-shirt and short jeans which made me comfortable. I was on my bed alone for a while but I felt lonely. Lucky was sleeping on the couch in the living room. I had nothing to do so I decided to go to main level thinking if I could see someone.

As I expected, there was Steve on the main level. He was sitting on the couch and reading a book.

"The history of WW II? Seriously?" I chuckled as I pointed the book he was reading.

"Yes." He laughed.

I sat down next to him as he closed the book.

"So what's wrong Rosy?" He asked and looked at me.

"Nothing." I said as I took my eyes away from him.

"Rosy." He said and I looked at him. He raised his brows.

"Okay fine. It's about Clint" I said.

"I'm listening." he said.

"Um Clint and Natasha are mission partners and like best friends. I'm happy about it. But lately he's spent time with her more than me." I said.

"But you know he loves you right?" he said as he smiled softly.

"Yea I know he loves me and he knows I love him. But I've felt lonely lately." I said and looked down.

Steve was silent for a while before he spoke.

"Rosy. No matter what happens, he will always come back to you. Because he loves you." he said as he looked into my eyes.

"Do u really think so?" I said as I looked up to him.

He nodded and smiled softly at me.

"Thank you Steve. You're such a good friend." I said and smiled back.

Steve smiled at me again before he stood up. I had no idea where he was going to. He went somewhere and soon he came back here. I smiled at things he brought. He brought 2 spoons and ice cream. He passed me it and sat down next to me. I took it and he put the ice cream between us.

Agent Garcia (Hawkeye / Clint Barton story)Where stories live. Discover now