21 He's MIA

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*2 weeks later*

It's been almost a month since Clint went to his mission. He hasn't come back. He told me that he would come back in a month. What's wrong with him? Did something happen? I was really worried so I asked Phil.

"Phil. Where's Clint?" I asked him.

He was sitting on his desk and looked up to me.

"Rosy I need to tell you something" he looked very serious. I knew it was not good news.

"What is it?" I asked him.

"His mission was finding out someone who stole some secret documents of SHIELD. Last week he told me that he found him and yesterday I called him. But he didn't answer. We tried to find where he was but we couldn't. He's MIA" he said.

I was shocked and couldn't move for a while. He's MIA?

"Rosy....calm down. We will find him soon." He said.

Suddenly anger welled up in my heart.

"Soon? He's MIA! What can I do if something bad happened to him!?" I yelled at him.

"I know how you feel but you have to calm down." He said calmly.

"Calm down!? How can I do? My boyfriend is missing!" I yelled at him again.

I know I have to calm down to think but I just couldn't.

Suddenly the door swung open.

"Agent Simpson." Phil said and I turned back.

"I'm sorry for bothering you but I heard Rosy yelling so...." He said.

"Sorry. It's nothing. I'm okay" I lied but he didn't believe me.

"You're not okay. Come here" he took my hand and we walked up to my room.

As we went into my room, he made me sit on the couch.

"I'm sorry Tommy." I said and my tears came into my eyes.

"You don't need to be sorry. Tell me what happened." He said calmly.

I explained what happened. He said nothing but he just listened to me. I was crying hard because of fear. I don't wanna lose Clint.

"He will be okay." He said and hugged me.

The door of my room opened quickly and Phil came into.

"Rosy. We found him." He said.

I stood up quickly and looked at him.

"He's in a small building in Brooklyn." He said.

I nodded and grabbed my gun from the closet. I was ready to rescue him.

"I'll go with you" Tommy said and I nodded.

We all headed to where Clint was.


I'm sorry. This is boring. But please be patience! Next chapter will be better x

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