15 Dance

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Rosy' POV

"My turn." I heard a familiar voice.

It was Clint. He took my hand from Steve and pulled me closer to him. I looked at Steve. He walked towards Natasha and they watched us. Now I understood why Natasha told me that. Steve told her about the kiss.

I put my arms on his neck and his hands were on my waist. Our eyes contacted each other. We danced to the slow music. I've never felt like this before. I couldn't help but blushed a bit hoping he would not notice.

"You look beautiful tonight." he whispered into my ears.

"Thanks. You too." I said.

He wore very classic suit and tie today. Which made me smile.

After we danced to a couple of songs, we were very tired.

"Let's go home Clint. I'm little bit tired." I said to him. He just nodded and searched his pocket for a car key.

"Oh seriously...."he mumbled.I looked at him.

"What's wrong?" I asked and his phone rang. He took it from his pocket and opened it.

"What the...." he whispered then showed me his phone. It was a text from Natasha.

From Nat

I got your car key. Thanks.

Oh my....how can we go home? It's not so far from here but we need a car. Oh Natasha.....how could you! But I think this is a great opportunity to be alone with Clint. Just him and me.

"Why don't we take a walk?" I asked him.

Once he looked at me and put his phone in his pocket. He pulled me closer to his side and we walked into the elevator.

It was dark outside but not too cold or not too hot. Clint and I walked through the street with our hands holding. His big hand covered my tiny hand. We talked about everything, like our past, our jobs or the avengers.

We finally arrived at SHIELD. It didn't take hours but still tired. We walked to my room.

"So....good night Clint." I smiled.

"Good night Rose." he said and kissed my forehead which made me blush. He saw me blushing and smiled. I walked into my room and he walked away to his room.


Okay this picture is on point lol that's it. haha thank you for reading guys!

Oh especially I would like to say thank you to Yavanna80
MReid101 avengers412 bunkeyboo for always!

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