16 Mission Together

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*a couple of months later*

Coulson told Clint and me to go on a mission together. The mission is simple but sounds mystery. Because we didn't know who was the boss. Nobody knows that. We had to be careful.

"You ready?" Clint came to my room. I nodded and we got on the secret jet of SHIELD.

Every time I go on a mission, I am excited. I love my job. Especially when I was with Clint.

We arrived at the small building. Maybe I should call it 'house' because it was small one. When we walked in, we didn't hear any sound. It seemed like it was empty.

"Help me! Please HELP!"

We heard someone calling out. So we rushed to the voice. There was a huge room with one woman. She was tied up.

"You okay?" I asked her and walked up to her.

Oh my god. This can't be real.

"Rosy?" she said.

"Taylor?" I said back.

"You know each other?" Clint asked us.

"Yes. She was an agent of SHIELD. We used to be best friends 3 years ago.....before she was.....dead." I said.

"Looks like she's alive." Clint said.

"Where have you been?" I asked her.

"Well, I have been confined. But last month, I ran away. But they confined me again." She explained to us.

Wow I still can't believe that Taylor was alive. Fury told me she was dead because of some accident. He didn't tell me the details but I believed it. So he told me a lie? But why? Why did he have to tell me a lie? Taylor was my best friend. How did he.....

"Sorry but can you please untie me?" she said.

"Oh yes. Sorry!" I said and Clint walked up to her and tried to untie her.


I heard Clint said in a pain. I turned to him and saw knife on his stomach. He fell down.

"What the fuck are you doing!?" I screamed out.

Taylor untied herself and smirked. What is going on?

"Taylor?" I said as she stood up.

She didn't say anything but took out the gun from her pocket and tried to shoot at me. I stepped out. She ran closer to me. I put my gun and but she punched me and I dropped it. Shit!

"Taylor why?" I called out as she kicked me.

I tried to make a counterattack but my body didn't move. In my brain, I knew I had to kill her but my mind didn't let me. I fell down on the floor.

"Rosy. One thing you should know about me. I'm not an agent anymore." she smirked and punched my face hard.

I screamed in a pain but I stood up and punched her back. She tried to punch me again but I blocked her with my right hand and punched her stomach with my left hand. She fell down. I quickly picked my gun up and pointed my gun at her.

"You'll choose your mission partner Rosy?" She said.

"Come on. We used to be best friends right? You can't kill me." She kept talking.

"SHUT UP!" I said loudly and kicked her face. She panted for breath.

"Rosy please?" she begged. But I didn't listen to her.

"You know what? One thing you should know about me." I used her words.

"He is not only my mission partner, also my boyfriend" I said to her as I shot her with my eyes closed.

Her breathe stopped. I went down on my knees crying. I slowly opened my eyes.....only thing I could see was Taylor's blood.


Thank you for reading everyone! Btw I didn't know why I named her Taylor lol Last sentence is little bit funny you know Taylor's (bad) blood lol

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