14 Party

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We caught Loki. Thor took him to his world. Now we finished our job.

"Everyone don't forget the party tomorrow!" Tony said. We laughed.

Tony and Bruce got on Tony's car and headed to his house. Natasha Clint and I got on the same car which Phill gave us and went back to SHIELD. Steve rode on his bike.

*Next day*

I quickly dressed up and did my make-up. I'm not good at those make-up things so Natasha helped me.

"Thanks Natasha." I said.

"Your welcome. He will love it." she said as she smirked.

"Who?" I asked.

She didn't say anything but winked at me. I didn't know what she meant.

"Let's go." She said and we left our room.

Clint Natasha and I got on the same car and headed to Tony's place. Clint drove it.

We got on the elevator and went to the main level. As the door opened, we heard loud music. So many people was dancing, talking and drinking. We saw a familiar man. It was Steve.

"Hey." Natasha said.

"Hey guys." he said.

"Natasha I have something to tell you." he said and he took her away.

Clint and I went to the bar and drank alcohols. We kept silent. I found Nat and Steve at the corner of the room. Steve whispered something into her ears and she smiled. They looked very cute together.

"Are they dating?" I asked Clint.

"Who?" he said.

"Nat and Steve." I said.

He looked at them in surprise.

"Oh really? You didn't notice?" I asked as I laughed.

"No." he said.

I thought Natasha told him everything. I guess even Clint is her close friends, she told him not everything.

We drank one more.

"Hey." someone spoke to us. It was Natasha.

"Hey you having fun?" I asked and smirked at her.

"Yes." she said and sat down next to Clint.

She whispered something into his ears. I couldn't hear so I kept drinking.

Clint's POV (finally lol)

Nat sat down next to me and spoke to me.

"So you kissed her?" she said.

"What?" I looked at her and asked her quickly.

"Steve told me. I think you guys look cute together." she said as she smirked.

I took my eyes away from her and kept drinking. I glanced at Rosy but she was just drinking and looked like she didn't care what we were talking about.

"Ask her for a dance." Nat whispered.

No hell no.

"I don't dance." I said.

"Come on. The last time we had a dance, you leaded me." She said.

"Yes but no." I shook my head.

"Steve!" She suddenly called out. I knew she had something. Captain walked towards us.

"Ask Rosy for a dance." Nat whispered into Steve's ears so that Rosy can't hear.

"Shall we dance?" Steve asked her. She smiled and took his hand. I watched them hitting on the dance floor.

I watched them dancing for a while. Nat was still with me and looked at me.

"Go take her." she said.

Without looking at Nat, I stood up and put my drink on the table. I walked towards Steve and Rosy.

"My turn."

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