10 On a mission

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I woke up and took a quick shower. I got my suit on and walked out from my room.

An agent from SHIELD gave me a key of a car so I took it and got on. I've went to a mission alone several times. But to be honest it's better with Clint. Today's mission is to kill the men who have dangerous weapons. I didn't know much about them but I have to kill them all.

I just arrived at their building. I found a small window behind the building and I went in.

"Who the hell are you?" a man asked.

I turned to him and I looked at him. He had a gun.

"I'm here to help you." I said.

"Help?" he asked.

"I'm kidding. I'm here to kill you all." I said as I throw knife at him. It hits his heart and he was dead. I took knife from him and ran.

I searched for where the rest of the people were. I found a room and heard men talking. I smirked and I ran into the room. As soon as I ran into, they noticed me. We started fighting. I shot the guns. They all hit them. There was only one man left. He tried to shoot me but he missed. I smirked and kicked him. He fell down and I kicked his face.

"Any last word?" I asked.

"Fuck you." he said as I shot him.

I quickly found their weapons and put them on my car carefully.

When I drove a car to the SHIELD, someone called me.

"Hello?" I said.

"Agent Garcia. It's Coulson" he said

"Oh hey. I just finished my mission." I said.

"Come back here right now." he said.

"What? Why?" I asked. He sounds little bit angry.

"It's about Barton."

When he said the word Barton, I opened my eyes wide.

"What's wrong with him?"

"Barton's been compromised by Loki, the brother of Thor." he said.

"I'll be there soon." I said and hang up.

I drove at full speed. 15 mins later I arrived at SHIELD.

As I walked in, I called out.

"Coulson. Where is he now?" I asked him hasty.

"He's with Loki and Doctor Eric Selvig in Germany."

"Germany?" I asked him back.

"Yes. Save Barton and Doctor with Natasha." he said as Natasha walked in.

"Let's go Rosy." she said and I nodded.

Agent Garcia (Hawkeye / Clint Barton story)Where stories live. Discover now