19 Before his mission

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*next morning*

I woke up and found myself lying on the couch. Natasha was not here. Maybe she already went back to her level. I walked to my room and changed my clothes. I had no plan to go outside today but I would see Clint.

"Jarvis where's Clint?" I asked.

"Mr.Barton went out 1 hour ago." He replied.

"Wake me up when he goes home" I said.

"Yes, Ms.Garcia" he said as I lied on my bed.

I was really tired and I need more sleep. Last night Natasha and I talked a lot all night. It was fun of course but little bit tired.

*a couple of hours later*

"Ms.Garcia" Jarvis said.

I woke up and yawned.

"Mr.Barton just went home." he said.

"Thanks" I said to him and jumped off from my bed.

I got on the elevator and went to his level. The door of the elevator opened.

"Hey handsome" I said to Clint.

"Hey" he said and smiled.

He was in the kitchen and making lunch for him. I walked up to him and kissed his cheek.

"Do you want some?" He said as he pointed his sandwiches.

"Yes please" I smiled and he made one more.

Clint carried our sandwiches on the table and I prepared the plates. We sat down and started eating. I've never eaten foods which he made but to my surprise it was really good. He was good at cooking. (A/N okay it's just sandwiches lol)

"So where were you this morning?" I asked him.

"At SHIELD." he said as he stuck the sandwich after another in his month.

"Okay" I said.

"Rosy I have something to tell you" he said as he put it on the plate.

"What is it?"

"My next mission will take 1 month." He said

I was shocked to hear that. 1 month? It's so long. I can't see him for a month. He once left for 2 weeks but this time will be longer. I definitely will miss him. But I pretended to be okay with it.

"Okay. When will you leave?" I asked him and made a fake smile.


"Oh my god!" I said loud. This time I couldn't pretend to be okay. Tonight? Seriously?

"Coulson told me to. Sorry but you know this is my job so..." I cut off.

"I know. I got it. But I'm gonna......miss you." I said shyly.

He looked up to me and smiled.

"Me too. Let's just stay here until I have to leave okay?" he said as he took my hand in his.

I nodded and smiled.

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