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Quickly we headed to our jet which was perked outside. Clint put his arm around my waist and pulled me close to him. No one started speaking even Tony. Inside of the jet, Bruce was waiting for us. He once looked at me and smiled softly. Clint made me sit down on the seat. Tony drove the jet to the avengers tower. Bruce and Thor were talking. Natasha and Steve were sitting on the seats together. Clint and I were at the back of the jet. We kept silent.

"Clint?" I said and looked up to him.

"Yes Rosy?"He said and smiled softly.

"I-I'm so sorry....I was so stupid." Tears came into my eyes.

"Shhh it's okay"he said and hugged me tight.

"I had to tell you about her but I felt like I had to protect you. But you are strong enough to protect by yourself." He mumbled.

"But I still need you." I said into his ears as he let me out of his hug.

He smiled softly and kissed my forehead. His kiss always makes me feel better.

I stood up and walked up to them.

"Guys I'm so sorry for doing those stupid things but thank you for...." Natasha cut me off.

"Rosy we're always here for you." She said and smiled at me.

"Yes. We help each other." Steve said as he put his arm around Natasha's waist.

"But I have a question!" Tony said loudly as he drove the jet.

"Where have you two been love birds?" he said.

I looked at Clint and he smirked.

"Still secret?" Nat said and smirked at me.

"Yes" I said and laughed.

I wanted to keep the safe house our secret. When the time comes, I will tell them about it but still our secret.

*about an hour later*

We arrived at SHIELD. I had to talk to Phil and Nick so I headed to their office with Clint. The others went somewhere. The door swung opened. Phil and Nick stood there straight and they looked so angry. But I knew that.

"First I-" Nick cut me off.

"What were you thinking Agent Garcia?" he said.

He called me 'Agent Garcia'. He usually called me 'Rosy' but this time he was different.

"I was thinking....if I could see her face." I mumbled.

"You almost died!" Phil said loudly.

"But I didn't!" I quickly replied.

Nick and Phil looked at me with their strong eyes.

"This is not her fault sir. It's my fault" Clint said. I looked at him in a surprise.

"No Clint....it's not-" Nick cut me off.

"Listen to me. I understood why you went there but don't do such a stupid thing again! We almost lost you. Rosy you're like a daughter for me." he said.

"For me too." Phil added.

"I won't do that again. I promise." I said and they nodded.

"You're lucky. Because you have a wonderful team on your back." Nick said and smiled at me.

I looked at Clint and smiled at him. He smiled softly.

"Your break is over. From tomorrow you have to work hard." Phil said.

"Yes AC" I smirked at him.

Clint and I left their office and headed to my room. As we walked in, I remembered my suitcases!

"Clint! I forgot my suitcases!" I said.

He laughed and pointed his fingers at the floor. I looked down and saw my suitcases on the floor. I smiled at him and kissed his cheek.

Clint sat down on the couch in my room and I sat down next to him. He put his arm around my shoulder and my head was lying on his shoulder. I missed this feeling.

"Rosy" he said as he looked into my eyes.

"Huh?" I said and smiled softly.

"You know I lost my parents years ago. I felt I lost my home. And you lost your father and.....mother too." he said.

"Yea" I nodded.

"Maybe you're feeling you lost your home. But please remember you are my home. I lost my home but finally I found one." He said.

Tears came into my eyes because of his words. They made me cry but I was not sad. I was happy. I didn't expect these words came from him.

"Babe why are you crying?" He said as he wiped my tears on my cheek.

"B-because you are my home too." I said and smiled at him.

He opened his eyes a bit wider then smiled softly. I touched his face and pulled him closer. He closed his eyes so did I. His lips was on mine. It was passionate kiss.


Does anyone know what AC means? *smirk face*

Agent Garcia (Hawkeye / Clint Barton story)Where stories live. Discover now