8 Meet Avengers

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Clint and I arrived at Stark tower. We walked in. There were already many people. They all looked fun. I saw a beautiful woman at the corner. She has red hair and long legs.

"Wow...." I whispered.

"What?" Clint asked.

"Look at the beautiful woman at the corner." I pointed at her.

"Oh that's Natasha." he said. I turned back and looked at him.

"You know her?" I asked.

"Yes we've been friends for a long time and been to many missions together. Hey Nat!" he called out.

The woman noticed him and walked towards us.

"Hi Clint." she said and hugged him. I watched them hugging. I was....little bit.....jealous.

"This is Natasha. Natasha this is Rosy." he introduced.

"Hello." I said with a fake smile and shock her hand.

"Hi good to see you." she said and smiled.

She seems nice and she is beautiful. How can't I be jealous of her? Clint and Natasha looked good together....

"Hey I heard about the avengers." Natasha said.

"Oh really. You joined?" Clint asked.

"Yes. At first I didn't like it but it sounds okay now." she said.

She joined the avengers? So she is on our team.

"Cool." he said.

"There are two more avengers. I'll introduce them to you. Come on." she said as she started walking.

We walked to the bar and there were two men talking each other.

"Steve, Bruce! This is Clint and Rosy. They joined avengers too." she introduced us to them.

"Hi."i said and smiled a bit.

Actually I knew both of them. Because they are kinda famous as Captain America and Hulk. I've seen them on the TV many times but I've never see them in real. According to Phill, Captain America is handsome and super cool.

"My friends!" Tony said as he walked towards us. Looked like he was drunk.

"Stark don't drink too much." Steve said.

Tony smirked a bit and put his arm on Steve's shoulder.

"Shut up the old man." he said.

Oh it's not going to be okay. Steve pushed him away and stared at him.

"What? Come on Captain!" Tony called out.

"Wait wait wait!" Bruce said and stopped Steve and Tony.

Now I'm worried about the avengers. Superheroes in one team? It's not going to work. I'm not kinda superhero but obviously everyone except me on this team are superheroes even Clint.

*3 hours later*

Some people started going home. I grabbed my jacket and tried to go home.

"Rosy Garcia!" I heard someone called out my name.

I turned back and it was Tony. He was still and more drunk.

"What Tony?" I said.

"That's all?" he asked.

"Oh thank you for inviting me. It was fun. Now I'm going home." I said and turned back to the exit.

"Wait." Tony said.

"What Tony?"

"Why don't you have a fun with me?" He said.

I know what he was meaning. But I didn't like it so I tried to walk away without saying anything. But suddenly he grabbed my arm.

"Let me go Stark." I said with strong voice but he didn't. So I tried to shook off his hand but he was stronger.

"Stop Stark." Clint suddenly came and shook off his hand from my arm.

Tony finally removed his hand from me. He glanced at Clint then walked away without saying anything.

"Thanks." I said to Clint. He smiled a bit.

"I'll drive you home."he said.

"Remember? We both live in SHIELD." I laughed.

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