23 His funeral

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Okay this is not like the funeral on the comic lol but I like the pic so I decided to use it

Btw thank you for the comments on last chapter!

I woke up to find myself lying on the bed in my room at Avengers Tower. I jumped off the bed.

"Jarvis what time is it now?" I asked.

"It's 7:16 am Ms.Garcia" he said.

Suddenly I remembered yesterday.

"Jarvis! Where's Clint?" I asked him.

"About Mr. Barton they want to talk to you. Please go to the main level" he said and I rushed into.

The door swung open and I walked fast. There were Tony Natasha Steve Thor and Bruce sitting on the couch.

"Guys! Where's Clint!? Is he safe?" I asked them but no one answered.

No this can't be real. It's just a nightmare isn't it? Please. God.....don't take him from me. I started crying so hard. Steve came close to me and made me sit.

"Rosy. He is not-" I cut off Steve.

"NO! This can't be real! You're lying!" I yelled at him.

"Rosy! I'm sorry but this is true...." Steve said to me.

More tears came into my eyes. I didn't wanna stay there. I didn't wanna talk to them anymore. I just wanna escape from them. I ran out and got on my car to SHIELD. I wanted to be alone and to think alone.

I rushed into my room at SHIELD. I was lying on my bed. It was silent. This silent makes me more lonely. But suddenly the door opened and saw Tommy walking into.

"Tommy I don't wanna talk-" he cut me off and hugged me tight. He said nothing but his warm hug made me feel better.

*5 hours later*

His funeral was held at SHIELD. Everyone joined it. I did too. His body was not found because of the fire. All we had was his bones. It made me sadder. During the funeral, I was speechless. Many people talked to me  but I didn't remember what they said. Because I was thinking of only him.....only Clint. My heart was empty. Feel like I lost everything.

After his funeral, Natasha asked me to stay at Avengers tower but I refused. Because I was not ready to be with them. I still couldn't believe that he was gone. Why did he have to leave?

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