7 Meet Stark

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Maybe you guys wonder how many years difference are they between Clint and Rosy. Not so many! At most...10 or less!

Anyway thank you for over 150 views!

*3 months later*

Clint and I got close and we became friends. Coulson asked us to come to the main room so we headed.

"What's up Coulson?" I asked him as we walked in.

"Agent Barton and Garcia, this is Mr.Stark."

"Nice to meet you sir." I shock his hand so did Clint.

"So....anything else Phil?" Mr. Stark asked.

"Yes. About the avengers."

"Avengers?" We all three said in unison.

Coulson started talking about the avengers. We understood what it is but he wanted us to join it? But why me? I understood why he needed Mr.Stark and Clint. Because they are powerful and necessary. But why me?

"Why me Coulson? I know you need Iron Man and Hawkeye but...." I asked him.

"We need you too Garcia." he told me with strong eyes.

After we finished talking about the avengers, Mr.Stark walked towards Clint and me.

"So we're now on the same team right? well why don't you both come to my party tonight?" Mr. Stark asked us.

I looked at Clint and he looked at me back.

"Um Mr.Stark....I" he cut off.

"Call me Tony please."

"Okay Tony. I'm not a fan of those kind of party." I said.

"Oh come on. What about you Barton?" Tony said.

"Me either but it sounds okay." he said.

I looked at Clint with a strange look. He just said the party sounds okay? I thought he didn't really like parties. Because there are many people. I know he liked being alone and keep people at a distance.

"Good. Then you two come to my party tonight. See you later friends." he said as he walked out.

"You sure Clint?" I rose my eyebrows.

"for a change." he said and I smiled at him.

Clint and I went back to each room. I opened my closet and realised there was no dress. I've never bought a dress. I wore a pair of jeans even for my birthday party. Anyway I have to get some dress. So I went to the shopping mall alone to buy it. Fortunately I found a beautiful blue dress for tonight. It was little expensive but I bought it. Clint told me he will pick me up at 7 and I still have time. Actually I'm excited for tonight. I've never felt like this before. The most exciting part is not a party....it's Clint.

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