27 Kill him

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Clint and I went to the rooftop. He hide so that Tommy can't see him. I was just standing and nervous. Tommy is dangerous. I heard everything what he did to Clint. It was horrible. I have to kill him right away.

I heard someone walked into the rooftop.

"Hey." Tommy said as we hugged.

"Hey" I smiled at him. Of course it's a fake smile.

He walked closer to the edge and saw the view.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" He asked me.

"Yea. It is" I said as I took my gun from my pocket. I pointed at his head behind him. I felt him smirked then he turned back to me.

"Rosy. What is this?" He asked me. I was still pointing it at him.

"It's.....revenge William." I smirked.

"Looks like you finally found out. You're late Rosy." He said.

"But I killed Taylor very quickly." I said. I know this words made him angry. That's why I said.

He once glared at me and gave me a fake punch on my stomach so I went to dodge it. But he punched my face hard. I grabbed his right arm and wrenched it. Then he punched my right hand and I dropped my gun on the ground. Shit! He tried to pick it up so I kicked his face. He fell down but stood up quickly. He was stronger than I expected. He tried to strangled me with his right hand but I kicked his leg hard to stop him. My breathe went fast. He picked my gun up and pointed at me.

"Do you really think you can kill me William?" I said and smirked.

"Oh Rosy. Of corse I can. Look around. Nobody is here. Just you and me. And I am pointing this gun at you." He smirked.

"Oh nobody?" I said and smirked at him.

"Wha-" someone cut William off. Of course it was Clint.

He shot his arrow at William's hand and he dropped my gun down. Clint ran towards him and punched him hard. I stood up and punched William's stomach hard. He fell down. Clint and I stood in front of William. I pushed him to the ground with my heel not to make him stand. Clint pointed his arrow at him.

"Say hi to Taylor from us when you see her in hell." I said and Clint shot his arrow at his heart.

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