26 A plan to revenge

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"Also known as Tommy Simpson" Clint said.

My jaw dropped because I was really shocked. Tommy? Oh my god. Now everything makes sense! When I first met him, I felt that I've seen him before. I once saw him before when he picked up Taylor. Am I stupid? How could I forget? His appearance was different from what he used to be. He had black short hair but now he has blonde long hair. But his face didn't change at all! And when I told him that my boyfriend is Hawkeye he was really surprised and interested in. He knows me. That's why he got along with me. But fortunately he doesn't know that I know him. This is a chance for us.

"Clint I can do this." I said to him.

He showed me strange look on his face.

"Actually Tommy and I got along when you were gone." I said.

He raised his blows.

"I mean as friends." I quickly said. He looked like he was relieved.

"I don't think he knows that I know who he is. So this is a big chance for us." I said.

He smirked.

"Yea. But he is too dangerous. We need to make a plan." he said and I nodded.

*a couple of hours later*

We finally finished making plan to revenge. Our plan is....first I tell Tommy to meet me at the rooftop. Then I tell him that I know who he is. Maybe he will try to kill me or something but Clint will kill him first. That's our plan.

"Do you think it will work?" I asked Clint.

"Yes. Nobody can be superior to us." He smiled and kissed my forehead.

I left my room alone to Tommy's room. I knocked his door twice and heard him said

"Come in" so I walked in.

"Hey" I smiled at him as I walked in.

He was sitting on the chair but he stood up and hugged me.

"So how are you going?" He asked.

"Good thanks. Well.....Tommy.....I have something to tell you." I pretended to have a feeling for him.

"What is it?" He asked and looked like he had no idea what I was going to say.

"Not here. I wanna make it special. " I smiled and came closer to him.

"Meet me at the rooftop at 7." I whispered into his ears and smirked.

He smirked and nodded. I think he totally believed me. I winked at him as I walked away from his room.


Hello everyone! Thank you for reading, your votes and comments :)

Btw I don't have much friends here on Wattpad. I was wondering if we can be friends? Please PM me xo

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