32 My mother

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*3 weeks later*

It's been 3 weeks since we took a break. Only 1 week left. We've spent our time on watching TV, shopping, cooking and relaxing. We did nothing special but we liked it.

We just finished eating dinner. I was at the living room and watching TV alone. Clint was on upstairs and talking to someone on the phone. It's been a while since he got a call from someone. Maybe 2 or 3 weeks ago. When Tony called him. But this time I didn't know who called him. I heard Clint's footsteps.

"Hey what are you watching?" he said as he walked in.

"Just random." I said as he sat down next to me.

"Rosy I need something to tell you." His voice changed into serious so I turned off the TV and looked at him.

"What is it?" I said.

"It's about your mom." he said.

"My mom?" I asked him.

I was surprised when he said about my mom. I didn't know what he is going to say.

"Yes. She's alive. Stark found out where she lived." he said.

I was shocked. She's alive? Seriously? But she....why? Did she know that I exist? Why did she....so many questions were occurred to me.

"Where is she? When did he tell you?" I asked him rushed.

"She lives in New York and he told me....3 weeks ago." he said.

"3 weeks ago!?" I said loudly as I stood up.

"Rosy calm down. Just sit here" he said as he took my hand.

But I shook off his hand.

"You were told about it 3 weeks ago then you tell me now!? What the fuck are you thinking!? I told you that I need to know about her!!" I yelled at him. I couldn't control myself.

"I'm sorry but-" I cut him off.

"Whatever" I said and headed to the bedroom.

I walked into the bedroom and grabbed a pillow and a blanket. Why didn't he tell me about my mom? I had NO parents but finally I found her. Thinking about my mom, I went downstairs.

"Rosy what are you doing?"Clint said as I threw a pillow and a blanket to the couch.

"I'll sleep here tonight." I said chilly.

"Baby listen to me, please" he said as he took my hand.

I stared at him and shook off his hand.

"Don't touch me." I said loud.

He opened his mouth wide. I didn't wanna talk to him anymore. He was still standing in front of me but I ignored.

"Go to the bedroom. I'll sleep here." He said and took a pillow.

Once I glanced at him and went upstairs.

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