39 Proposal

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First I'm sorry about last chapter. It got only 3 votes (usually gets 5 more votes) so the last chapter was boring. I'm really sorry. But 3 votes still mean a lot for me! Thank you!

I hope you enjoy this chapter!

"Oh my good!" I said loudly looking around.

"You like it?" Clint asked me as he smiled.

"No." I said and looked at him.

His smile suddenly disappeared. I laughed at him.

"I love it." I smiled at him.

He laughed too. There were many colorful flowers around the table. On the table there were delicious dinner. This is amazing.

"You made them all by yourself?" I asked him as I pointed at dinner.

"Yes" he said as pulled a chair for me.

"Thanks" I smiled as I sat down. He sat down too.

"Let's have dinner shall we?" He said and I nodded.

About 30 mins later we finished eating out dinner and dessert. They all tasted great.

He poured champagne into my glass and his.

"Clint" I said.

"Huh?" He said and smiled at me softly.

"I've missed you so much....." I said. I felt tears came into my eyes.

"You've been with Natasha lately. I-I've felt lonely." I said with a shaking voice.

I didn't know why I was crying. I was happy to spend time together with him right now. But I felt lonely. It's true. But now he is here.....for me. Rosy don't cry! You're strong! Don't cry anymore! I tried to stop crying. But I couldn't control myself.

"Don't cry babe. I'm sorry for making you feel like this. I didn't mean to do this. But Rosy. I have a reason." He said and I looked up to him.

"A reason?" I asked him.

"Yes" he said as he stood up. He walked close to me and stopped next to the table.

"What are you doing Clint?" I said as he got down on his left knee.

I covered my mouth with my hands when I saw a small box in his hand.

"Rosy Garcia. Will you marry me?" He said as he opened the small box.

"Y-yes Clint! I will marry you Clint Barton!" I said in a pleasure.

I stood up and he put a beautiful ring on my ring finger.

"Beautiful" I whispered.

"As you are." He said and kissed on my lips. I kissed him back. I was crying because of happiness.

I've never felt such a happiness before. His proposal was simple but that was enough for me. Because he is Clint. All I want is him. I am going to marry the man who saved my life, made me smile, made me feel like I'm special and love me with his all heart.

"Let's go" he said as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"To where?" I asked him.

We just walked towards the elevator and headed to the main level. I knew exactly what we were going to do. The door opened.

"Hey guys" I said as we walked in.

Natasha and Steve were sitting on the couch together. Tony and Bruce was talking near by the table. Thor was just listening to Tony and Bruce.

"Hello lady Rosy. You seem so happy." Thor said and smiled at me.

"Well....maybe because of this" I said as I showed them the ring.

"You both got engaged?" Bruce said with a surprise.

"Yes" I said and looked at Clint. He smiled at me softly and pulled me close to him.

"Congratulations love birds!" Tony said loudly.

"Thanks" I smiled at him.

"And thanks too" I said to Natasha and Steve as I winked at them.

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