4 Practicing

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It's been a week since I started to practice archery. And now I can hit the centre of the target. I don't think I need a teacher anymore. Before I told him, he told me first.

"I don't think you need me anymore." Agent Barton said as I shot an arrow.

"Thank you for everything." I smiled at him and so did he.

After the last practice, Agent Barton and I sat on the table and had cups of coffee.

"You became a very good archer." he said.

"Because of you." I smiled as he drank coffee.

"Why did you wanna learn it?" He asked me. Actually I have a reason. Only Fury and Coulson knew it. I really didn't wanna tell my story to anyone But I trust him so I started telling him.

"When I was a child, I went to the circus with my father. My mother was maybe dead when I was born. But I still don't know. Anyway there was a fire during the show. I was small so I got lost. I looked around but I couldn't find my dad. I was crying so hard and a young boy with a bow and arrows saved my life. That's why I......"

Suddenly I saw the memory in my head. What was that?

"What's wrong?" he asked. I don't know what just happened.

"N-nothing. I'm fine." I smiled a bit.

The door swung open. Coulson walked in.

"Agent Garcia. Go to a mission."

Oh my god. I couldn't help but smile. This is my first mission. Finally I could go to a mission. No one could understand how excited I was.

"Yes sir." I said.

"But you're going with Agent Barton."

"What?" Agent Barton and I said in unison and we looked at each other.

"This is my mission! I can go there alone." I told Coulson but he didn't hear me.

"This is our order. Got it?"

"Yes sir." we said in unison again. I didn't wanna say 'yes' but I had no choice.

"Put your suit. We'll leave here in 10 mins." he said. I nodded and ran out to my room.

Agent Garcia (Hawkeye / Clint Barton story)Where stories live. Discover now