20 A new agent

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*one week later*

It's been one week since Clint left here for his mission. I already missed him. Now I was at the training room and shot arrows with my bow which Nick and Phill gave me. I shot an arrow quickly and it hit the centre of the target.

"Wow you're a very good archer." someone behind me said.

I turned back and saw a man.

"Thanks. You are....?" he cut me off.

"Tommy, Tommy Simpson" he said and we shook our hands.

His voice are familiar to me but I've never heard his name.

"Rosy, Rosy Garcia. Sorry have we met before?" I asked.

"I don't think so Rosy. But I came here one week ago so maybe you saw me before. By the way why you're so good at archery?" He asked.

"Well my boyfriend taught me how to do. " I said.

"Your boyfriend?" he said.

"Yes. Maybe you know him as Hawkeye" I smiled.

He opened his eyes wide.

"Hawkeye? Really?"

"Yes why?" He sounded little strange. So I asked him why.

"Nothing. Just you know....he is famous" he laughed.

"Yea"I laughed too.

He seemed nice and friendly. I didn't have many friends here so maybe he would be one.

"I gotta go sorry. See you later!" He said and I waved my hand at him.

*one week later*

Clint still hasn't come back. We haven't talked for 2 weeks. I just couldn't be patient. But I had to. He's on a mission now.


I walked into the training room and Tommy spoke to me.

"Hey" I said to him.

"How are you?" He asked.

"I'm good but I miss my boyfriend" I said and smiled.

"Yea you must do" he said and pointed his gun at the target. He shot.

"Oh my!" I said loudly.

It hit the right centre of the target. Last week he couldn't shoot well but now he could do. Wow.

"Thanks" he smiled.

"Rosy I was wondering....if we can get coffee after this?" he asked.

I was little surprised. I didn't know what to say. Because I have a boyfriend. Should I refuse or....? But come on Rosy. Tommy and I are just friends. Nothing more.

"Sure. As a friend" I said.

"Of course! I don't wanna steal a girl from Hawkeye!" He laughed.


Thank you for your views votes and comments! they all mean a lot for me!

See the pic on the top? It's my image for Tommy Simpson. He is handsome right? lol

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