29 Just you and me

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We all had dinner together at the main level at the avengers tower. During the dinner, Clint told everyone what happened to him. They all understood why he had to lie that he was dead.

One hour later we all finished eating.

"Gotta go to bed" Tony said as he yawned.

"Yea we probably should go back to our room." Steve said and looked at Natasha. She just smiled shyly and they walked away.

"Good night guys!" I said.

Everyone except Clint and me went back to each rooms.

"We should go back. It's late you know" I said to him and he nodded.

We walked towards the elevator and Clint pushed the button.

"Clint would you like...." He cut me off.

"Yes." He said and laughed.

We went on the elevator and headed to my level. As the door opened, he put his arm on my shoulder to pull me close to him. My heart was beating fast. We headed to my bed room. As we walked in, we laid on the bed. It was a long day so we both were tired.

"Clint we have one month break" I said and smiled at him.

He smiled back as he wrapped his right arm around my waist. My head leaned on his chest. I missed this.

"What can we do?" He asked me.

"Well how about going to....Paris?" I said and looked at him. He just frowned his brows.

"Why Paris?" He asked me.

"Because I've always wanted to go there" I said. But he didn't seem like he wanna go there.

"What about London?"

He shook his head.


He shook his head again.


He shook his again and finally opened his mouth.

"I wanna be alone with you. Just you and me." He smiled at me.

I couldn't help but blushed.

"Okay but where?" I asked him.

He once smirked and said

"Safe house."

This time I frowned my brows.

"Safe house?" I asked.

He nodded.

"You mean the house you bought before? But why did u buy it?" I asked him.

"Because I need somewhere no one knows but me." he said.

I know he is the kind of person who doesn't like crowds. He sometimes wanna escape from people.

"But you told me." I said.

He looked into my eyes which made me blush more.

"Yes. Just you and me." He said and kissed my forehead.


Hello everyone! Thank you so much for reading :)

Question! Who's your fav avenger? x

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