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Once again we are behind on updating like really behind and I'm sorry for that. I know I say that every time but this summer has been hectic, with summer gym and when we are off from that being gone. Even though summer gym is only 8-12, we have to get up at 6:45 if parents are driving or 5:45 for the bus, we are usually to lazy to do anything. It doesn't help that my sister doesn't know what to write because apparently she had something planned and I screwed it up-even though she never told me about it.

Back to talking about updating. I don't know when the next chapter will be up, hopefully soon though. If I write the next chapter the other few that are supposed to be up will probably follow close behind- the weeks behind for those that don't know. 

With summer gym finishing Friday, the schedule should get back to normal though. Yay! 

Now I just have to get CC to finish the chapter... awesome. Note the sarcasm there. 

And thank you iishanzaii for the new cover.

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