Chapter 1 : Job

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Jenna's Pov
After finishing my studies, I decided to find a job but it was difficult for me because I did not know what kind of career do I want to work as. I laid down on my bed and stared at the ceiling thinking of what kind of job should I get.

My deep thoughts were soon disrupted when I felt the vibration of my handphone. Taking the handphone that laid beside me, I turned it on to find a familiar name which brought a happy smile on my face. Jiyong!

Instantly, I replied to his message in excitement as he rarely text or call me due to his busy schedule and also because he seldom visit me. I got very lonely and bored without him since he is very busy working as a singer. However, my friendship with him still stays strong even though we did not hang out as often as before.

Jiyong : Hi Jenna!
Me : Ji! I thought you would never call me again.
Jiyong : You know that I'll never do that to you. Besides, I promised you.
Me : I'm glad that you keep your promise.
Jiyong : Anyway, you're going to be happy hearing this news.
Me : Hear what news?
Jiyong : I'm back!
Me : You mean you've come back?!
Jiyong : Yup.
Me : Yay!
Jiyong : Want to have lunch with me?
Me : Sure!
Jiyong : Great. I'll pick you up around 15 minutes.
Me : Ok!

Putting my handphone aside, I walked to my wardrobe to get change. I decided to wear a plain white long-sleeved shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans as I wanted to go for a casual look.

Then, I checked my outfit numorous times in front of the long mirror as I wanted to appear perfect when I meet Jiyong. After that, I put my hair to one side and sprayed perfume all over my outfit.

When I was busy checking myself out at the mirror, I realised that I did not keep track of the time. I looked at the clock hung up on the wall and my eyes widened upon knowing that I am super late for my lunch date with Jiyong. I took my purse with me and rushed downstairs.

After reaching the ground floor, I noticed Jiyong's car. I ran towards it and he started to honk at me without a valid reason.

"Ok ok. I'm here already!" I said while getting in the car.
"I know." He said simply.
"Then why were you honking at me?" I asked, feeling a little bit of embarrassment.
"Cause I want to purposely rush you and it's fun to see your reaction." He smirked evily.
"Yah!" I slapped his arm playfully.
"Ok ok. Sorry then. Where do you want to eat?" He questioned me.
"Hmm...Our favourite place." I suggested.
"Alright." He said while buckling his seatbelt.
"Do you think the place is still there?" I questioned him.
"We can try to find out." He answered.
"What if the place is not there anymore?" I questioned him again. "Then we'll go other place." He answered me again.
"Where?" I asked.
"Jenna! Stop asking a lot of questions. I'll handle it. Ok?" He told me and started the engine.

Jiyong's Pov
After arriving at our favourite place, I purposely parked my car a little further from the shop as I disliked people taking photos of it and especially taking photos of Jenna. She dislikes to be involve in any kind of scandals as she knew that the media reporters will stalk her just to keep themselves updated about my life.

"Ji wait!" Jenna called as she pulled my arm.
"What is it?" I asked and closed the car door.
"Wear these first." She handed me a few disguises like my black glasses and my hat.
"Oh ya. Thanks." I said and put it on.

When we were at the venue, it was crowded. Luckily for us, we spotted a table for two and we ordered food and drinks when the waiter came to us. During our lunch, we ate our food hungrily and I enjoyed my food even more when there is Jiyong with me. After that, we decided to stay in the car and have our conversation in there since Jiyong did not want to be notice. We literally spent a lot of time chatting and laughing and time just flew by very quickly.

"Ji. Can I ask you something?" She asked.
"Anything you want." I replied.
"I just finished my studies and I don't know where to work. Do you have any ideas?" She said.

I started to ponder of where she could work at. After what felt like a minute, I had the perfect idea of where she can work at.

"Jenna. Come to Seoul with me. I can get you a job at YG." I suggested.
"Are you sure? I don't want to trouble you." She asked unsurely.
"Well, at least you have a job there." I stated.

Jenna looked at me with uncertainty as this was a big decision for her.

"Trust me, you'll be fine there." I said assuringly.
"Hmm..That's a great idea Ji but I don't have enough money to buy my own house or apartment." She explained.
"Then use my money first." I said simply.
"But I don't want your money. I don't want to use all of your hard-" She was about to finish her sentence when I interrupted her.
"Have I ever complain to you about getting my money back?" I questioned her.
"No but I have already had enough using your money to buy things I needed and I don't want to be a greedy person Ji." She explained again.
"This is a house! Or perhaps apartment." She added.
"I know but..for me. Please?" I begged her with puppy eyes.

She still stared at me unsurely of whether to move there or not.

"I'll wait for your reply. Take your time." I told her and decided to close my eyes to rest for a while.
"I'll go." She answered confidently which made me opened my eyes back in full happiness.
"Are you serious?" I questioned her excitedly.
"Yes. I am." She replied excitedly.

I gave her a tight hug which made her giggle and to be honest, I felt as if I am the most happuest person on earth. From this day onwards, I can get to see her everyday whether or not she is accpeted in the YG Entertainment.

"So when can I leave?" She questioned me excitedly.
"We can leave tonight." I answered simply.

She widened her eyes in disbelief.

"Are you insane?" She asked and I shook my head.
"Fine. What time?" She questioned again.
"Don't need to worry about it. We'll go to your place and you can start packing your stuffs." I instructed.
"Ok then." She agreed and we went to her place.

After 2 hours of waiting for Jenna to finish packing, we decided to rest in the car.

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