Chapter 6 : Only Us

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Jenna's Pov
I woke up the next morning due to hearing thunders. When I opened my eyes, my room was dark and I could hear raindrops splashing on the windows. The room temperature was cold and so does my body. I sat upstraight and saw Jiyong sleeping.

"Jiyong. Wake up." I said softly and kept tapping his shoulders.
"Jiyong, I'm not gonna cook any breakfast food for you anymore." I told him.

He slowly lifted up his head and rubbed at the back of his neck.

"Ow." He said painfully and kept massaging his neck.
"You must have cramped your neck throughout the whole night." I said worriedly.
"Sit here." I tapped to the place where I wanted him to sit.

He dragged himself lazily to that spot and sat there with eyes half-opened.

"I'll massage it for you." I told him and went to my drawers to take some oil for the neck.

I put a little oil on my hands and began to massage his neck.

"You don't need to. My neck will heal itself." He said sleeply.
"Ji, your neck won't heal if you never do anything to it. Anyway, you've helped me a lot so can't I help you with this?" I asked him while massaging his neck.
"Fine. Don't let your hands hurt." He warned me.
"Don't worry about me too much." I replied to him and massaged his neck for the next fifteen minutes.

Suddenly, I felt his body falling towards me. I held his body to make it straight and looked at his eyes. He was fast asleep and I moved aside to let his body lie down on the bed. I pulled the blanket over him and smiled upon seeing his cute face.

"Sleep well." I said softly to him and went out of the room.

I glanced at the clock and it showed 7.30 a.m. I went to the bathroom to wash up my face and brush my teeth. I did not want to take a shower as it was a very cold weather to me. I went to my bedroom back to get new clothes. I took a thick pink long-sleeved shirt and a lighter pink coloured skinny jeans. I decided to change my clothing in the bedroom as I was too lazy to go back to the bathroom.

After I have changed my clothes, I turned around to see Jiyong staring at me like a pervert.

"Wow. What a view." He smirked.
"Don't tell me you saw me changing my clothes." I said to him shockingly. "I only saw you change your shirt." He replied and smiled mischieviously.
"Yah! You pervert." I threw a pillow at him.
"How am I supposed to be a pervert? You're the one who wants to change your clothes in the bedroom." He argued.
"You can choose not to look at me and it's my room." I argued back, disagreeing with him.
"Whatever. I'm going back to bed." He said sleepily.
"Does your neck still hurts?" I asked worriedly and climbed onto my bed.
"Nope. It's much better." He replied and I was much relieved.
"Get up! Let's go get some food. My treat." I shook his body a lot so that he would get annoyed and get up.
"Fine. I'll get up!" He said in annoyance.
"Yes!" I said loudly.

We decided to go to his house for him to get changed. Also, the rain has lessened. While he was busy freshening up himself, I decided to walk around his house.

I noticed there were a lot of photos of him and I. As I looked at each photo, memories were brought back to me. I smile to think of the past and how childish we were.

"Ready to go for breakfast?" Jiyong came to me and I snapped out of the memories.
"Ya." I replied back.

He put his hand out for me to hold his hand. I smiled and held his hand and we went to his fancy car. He decided to go to a place that I may like the food for breakfast. Again, I scanned each places with my eyes.

"Stop looking out of the window Jenna." He commanded.
"Ji, you know I'm always like that. It's a habit and you know I don't like to get lost so ya." I explained to him.
"Fine. Do anything you like but you will look stupid." He warned me.
"Don't worry, I'll never get lost." I said confidently.

After we arrived to a food place, Jiyong parked his car to a dark place so that the people would not take photos of it and crowded around it.

Before we go out, Jiyong put on some disguises.

"I need to put on this and that." He said while searching for more things to disguise himself.
"Don't put on so many disguises. It will be so obvious that you're a celebrity Ji." I told him.
"But-" Before he could finish his words, I interrupted him.
"Relax. The time now is 8.15 a.m. and look around you. There's only a few people walking around the streets." I argued back and went out of the car with an umbrella.

Jiyong's Pov
"Fine." I said and went out of the car with an umbrella too.

I held her hand and led her to the food place. After we reached at the entrance, a waiter greeted us and led us to a table for two. We sat down and read through the menu quickly. I translated some words for her as she was unfamiliar with some Korean words. After that, I ordered the food and drinks while Jenna was busy on her phone. I turned to look at her and saw her expression was serious. I laughed softly and I caught her attention.

"What's so funny?" She asked curiously.
"Nothing. It's just your face looked so stoned. What are you up to?" I asked her back.
"I'm learning Korean language so that I can communicate more with the others." She replied.
"Jenna, you know I can teach you. You don't need that translater. Sometimes, there's an error." I said and took her phone.
"Hey, give me back." She said while reaching out for her phone.
"What's so inportant about the phone?" I asked her and looked at it.
"It's just an app translater Ji!" She replied and I gave her phone back.

After I gave her phone back, she continued to learn more. To be honest, most of the words were right and I thought it would be better for her to learn from that app. I ignored her and played my games on my phone.

Within fifteen minutes, the food and drinks came. We put our phones away and started to eat. Both of us were eating fast as if we have never eaten anything for a long time. While Jenna was eating, I secretly took a few photos of her.

"What are you doing?" She asked me and looked over at my phone.
"Nothing." I replied quickly.
"Are you taking pictures of me?!" She asked me and laughed a little.
"I'm taking my own selfies. Don't disturb me." I lied.
"Show me." She demanded me and kept trying to snatch the phone away.

Both of us laughed together and had a fun time together. She did discovered that I took pictures of her and for revenge, she took pictures of me with her phone. After that, we took a few selfies together with my phone as I wanted to remember this moment forever.

Hey guys! Hope you like this chapter even though it's not that much. I do hope you guys vote, comment and follow me!

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