Chapter 17 : I'll Come Back Soon

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Jenna's Pov
I was awaken to the vibration of my phone under my pillow. I took it and switched the alarm off instantly. I sat upstraight on my bed and felt extremely nervous and excited at the same time.

Today, I will be going to another country for a few months for the film but somehow, I felt a little gloomy.

Maybe it is because of Jiyong. He has always been by my side every time wherever I go however this time, I know deep down in my heart that he is not coming with me. I let out a sigh and decided to get ready.

I took a long bath in the bathroom as I wanted to feel that the time now is damn slow. Even though I know there was no such thing as that.

Afterwards, I decided to wear a pair of dark skinny jeans, T-shirt with a big letter J in the middle and let my hair down.

Suddenly, my phone rang, making me startled. I quickly answered the call as soon as I grabbed my phone.

Me : Hello? Who's this?
TOP : It's me TOP. Don't you remember me?
Me : I do remember you. Just that I often answer calls without knowing who called me. Anyway, why did you call me for?
TOP : Just to remind you that our flight will be taking off at 12 a.m.
Me : Oh..Thanks.
TOP : You ok?
Me : I'm fine. I'm just nervous that's all. Don't need to be worried.
TOP : You sure?
Me : Yup!
TOP : Now you sound cheerful and happy.
Me : Heheh...
TOP : See you later.
Me : Bye.

I ended the call and took a glance at the clock that hung on my bedroom wall. It showed 9 a.m. and I got two free hours before my busy days start.

Then, an idea struck me. I planned to hang out at Jiyong's place since I would not be visiting him for a few months. I rushed over to his place and knocked on the frontdoor for several times. I did pressed the doorbell for several times too but he still did not welcome me in. Slowly, I started to get impatient and tired.

"I think I'll let him sleep." I thought sadly to myself.

I was about to leave when I felt an object under his matdoor. Due to my curiosity, I decided to lift the mat up and found a key. Bingo! I picked it up and placed the mat nicely back.

"This must be the key!" I said confidently while attempting to unlock it.

Yes! Finally I can go in.

The first place I went is his bedroom as I know that he is sleeping during this timing. After reaching there, I saw him sleeping soundly. I chuckled a little and went nearer to him.

Jiyong's Pov
"Go away." I demanded when I felt someone was disturbing me.
"Wake up!" I heard a female voice filled in my bedroom.

Wait...A girl in my room?!

I automatically sat upstraight and saw Jenna sitting at the floor beside my bed.

"Jenna, stop scaring me." I said calmly after finding out that wass Jenna.
"I love scaring you. Besides, it's fun!" She said happily and gave cute giggles.
"Anyway, how did you get into my house?" I questioned her curiously.
"I found your key under the mat." She explained.
"You shouldn't put the key there Ji. It's dangerous." She added.
"It's not dangerous. Many people put their key there. Someday, you'll put it there too." I told her.
"I'll never put it there because it's a stupid idea to do it.." She argued.
"You'll forget one day." I told her.
"You're annoying me." She said in annoyance.
"Aren't you annoying too when you ask me tons of questions." I said.

She hesitated to argue back when she knew herself being like that.

"Anyway, why are you here?" I asked and laid down on my bed confortably.
"I want to have breakfast with you." She told me.
"I actually want to spend time with you more today." She added.

After hearing the sweet innocent words from her, I felt that I wanted to do the same thing before she leaves.

"I have only two free hours." She added again.
"What do you want to eat?" I asked her.
"Uh...Um..I don't know. How about you?" She replied after a long minute of thinking.
"Let's make pancakes." I suggested.
"Great! I'll get the ingredients." She exclaimed and went to the kitchen.
"And I'll get freshened up." I said, dragging myself to the bathroom lazily.

After taking a quick shower and wore clothes, I went to join with Jenna. At the corner of my eyes, I saw her placing her foot on the slippery floor and started to lose her balance.

At any time soon, she is going to fall together with the ingredients. I ran towards her and caught her by holding her waist. She was startled and breathed heavily.

"Be careful." I whispered in her ears.

Jenna's Pov
I was glad that Jiyong caught me when I was about to fall. Or else I would be embarrasing myself. I could not form any words to say to him as I was in a little shock state and my heart was pumping fast. He took the things from me and prepared the pancakes while I fetch a dry cloth to wipe the wet part on the floor.

"He's going to fall too if I never wipe." I thought to myself.

After fifteen minutes of preparing breakfast, we ate the pancakes deliciously and drank the juice that Jiyong made specially for me.

To be honest, I really love the juices that he made for me so I would often ask him to make one for me.

Then, we started our conversation about many stuff. As we were spending time together, I did not realise that the time has passed by very quickly.

Sadly, I had to go as I need to be punctual at the airport by 11.45 a.m.

"Ji, I have to go now. I'm gonna be late or probably miss my flight if I never reach there before-" Before I could finish my words, Jiyong put his index finger to my lips.
"Shh. I know." He told me.

I followed Jiyong as he helped me carrying my luggages to his car. I sat at the frontseat and waited for him to drive to the airport.

As we were on our journey to the airport, Jiyong and I did not speak anything. No one started the conversation or even share a lame joke.

The atmoshpere was getting tense and awkward. This rarely happen between us and it was making me wanting to escape.

Somehow, I felt that I am not ready to leave. I was thinking in my deep thoughts when he says something which made me come back to reality.

"We're here." He wore a few disguises before leaving the car.

He kept insisting me that I should let him pull the luggage and I knew he is not going to stop pestering me unless I gave it to him. Again, he won. This incident reminded me when I left for Seoul. I smile just byt thinking of it.

Suddenly, Jiyong held my hand. I did not feel surprised by it. Instead, I felt safe, warm and my worries were gone for a while.

"I'm going to miss you." He said and showed me his sad eyes.
"Ji, don't be like this. Smile for me instead." I said, avoiding to be unhappy.

I could see that he forced himself to spread a smile for me. I smiled back to try making him feel better even if it was a little.

We continue walking hand in hand and I was enjoying being with him.

When I have arrived at the place where I should be with others, I felt myself tearing up for some reasons. I stole a glance at his face and he seemed to be in no mood.

"I'll be back soon. I promise." I said truthfully.
"You promise?" He put out his finger and waited for me to lock it with mine.
"Ji. This is so childish." I laughed a little and just locked it without any complains.

He looked a little embarrassed but at the same time he was enjoying a little laugh with me. When I heard announcements were made, I knew that I have to go.

Before I could say or do anything to him, he pulled me in for a hug unexpectedly. I was startled at first but I felt confortable afterwards.

I'll miss his hugs too. I thought sadly.

He waved me goodbye and I walked away from him.

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